
blah blah blah.


took superlatives pictures today.

i won three things. how effing ridiculous is that? seriously.

Class Artist

Most Unique

and here it comes… the shocker….

Class Chatterbox

now, if you know me, even remotely, you will know that i won the last one by mistake. i am relatively a closed mouth type of gal,  if not in a discussion or answering someone – the sweet silent type. generally, i never speak unless spoken to. it just so happens that there is another female in my grade that shares my first name and last name letter initial. she also happens to be that annoying girl in class that doesnt know when to shut her mouth. nerve wracking. so thankfully by the time photos had to be taken, that entire bit was sorted out. nonetheless the following week after the announcements of winners was made all i heard was how the chatterbox thing is mistake and how she should have won it. i thought it was funny, considering i dont talk in class. i shouldve taken the picture. haha.

dylan has been absent with mono, so i took the most unique picture alone. austin and i used the old couch on the stage. he layed on it and i pretended to draw him for our picture. it was beautiful. i cant wait to see how it came out.


so no train in the morning. my father is coming to pick me up. i have decided to pack my suitcase anyway. it makes everything more exciting. i am going to my fathers garage o help him with cars and the like. and later in the evening…. !!!!!

i am going to Hoboken… to Maxwells to see ….  NICO VEGA

hopefully i can get some great shots. and just get swept off my lovely feet. i cant wait.





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i found you on random and thought i’d say you have wonderful taste.

October 26, 2007

re: well once semester is over I wont have a darkroom anymore. I am trying to convince my mother to let me build one.

October 26, 2007

you really should. it was excellent.

October 26, 2007

in a few months we can find that spot on the frozen charles. but then, of course, we’d have to go somewhere else so i got to take the train, too. 🙂

October 27, 2007

have a wonderful freaking awesome time at the concert you lucky dog you!!! like the train pic…mono, damn every one has that!!