easy lucky free

free stress test? ha. a lovely song indeed.


you just want whats next, just want whats next.

la la la.

spring la dee. i am soo wonderful, and content, finally.

i dont know why or how i let myself get so consumed in something so petty and ridiculous. but today i realised everything in my world is shiny so brightly, and maybe i should just go along with it for once. stop soaking up the downers, and just blow … float freely, with the uppers. right? i called my mom this morning, its been so long since we’ve talked. she was so happy just to know that i was thinking about her. and just hearing my sister in the background, and my moms laugh, was enough to cure me of anything and everything that has been ailing me. i dont want to lose them or my father, or anyone for that matter. i love everything so much right now, from the spiders building webs in my room, to the ache in my little heart, and  the sun, and the smiles, and the knowledge, everything i recieve each day, i am so utterly grateful to have. i am so … blissful if you will it. i spent about 4 hours getting lost in the pure wilderness today. and my was it lovely. so many things flourishing. smells i missed. sounds that resonated in my skull, things that cut me as i walked, things that buzzed by, the treees graceful attempt to kiss the clouds. i tried to catch some of it today, but i can never seem to portray my soroundings just as i see them. the simplistic beauty i convey in every blade of grass, every ounce of mud. i am just falling so deep, but in an upright position. deep in love, with the world, and way about things.

their nature,







{ i always feel… guilty for doing this, but almost .. cant help it.}


fading girls can be bright too.

sorry. narcissistic. but not at all.

and you try BUT its not enough.

but still

you try try try.



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May 3, 2007

well glad your perking up

I love this. The entire entry. And the music. Hah such a wonderful thing for me to hear right now. I love it. Thank you.

im sorry i had to put this.. your last picture you look oh so beautiful except your hand on your face looks a tad deform and like someone from the hills have eyes is petting you, perhaps its jss because we saw that movie but i cant seem to find it not humorous or its like those ppl with those hands; “let me use my strong hand.” a_waiting_watcher

hope you fell in love with yourself out there too, you cant really love anything completely until you fall in love with who you really are, its a painful lesson but its worth the trip in the end….