dear david,

i could cry for the way you make me feel.

these riveting motions. and the air in my chest. and the loss of breathe. the way the muscles in my face only know how to smile now. my heart is full up. there is something here beyond our knowledge. if i ever thought of fate, something here holds true. you captivated me nearly five years ago. as each day passes, as every single word and pulse is exchanged i grow fonder and fonder of you. its almost beyond my control. there are arrows shooting from within me to you. and from you to me.

the way you move your tongue echoes in my brain, and twists my insides. im numb. and elated.

i have never been so sure of a thing in my life.

i have to overcome these setbacks and reach my goal. you.

you have been there all along. i have never let you slip from my mind. or my window. there are those resurfacing pages filled with our ink. in mixed boxes. there are so many ways you have enlightened me. and i could go on endlessly about all of our endeavors, past, present, and future. but i must be at ease. im overwhelmed and overworked.

i need your voice.

trancend the space between us.

there is a thread from here to lake charles

and im going to follow it.







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December 10, 2009

!!! New developments? =D

December 11, 2009

*Hugs of Sympathy & Support*