all i can do is laugh

and smile.

there is some sick sense of gratification in all of this.

you think you’ve got it all right and figured out. i just cant wait till the sun seaps into your withering flesh and penetrates those big eyes and then all of this will reflect righside up in your brain for once. and you will place these strained lungs and healing heart and see the truth. that you get what you deserve. its all so awful and creul. but it honest and raw. the truth of this mess makes it beautiful  and oh so rare.

its fueling the fire caged up in my ribs.



with the widest grin i can surely say those fragments that i was so consumed with, the darling eyes that tear up my soul, are finaly sensable. the timing is just right.

showing up on cold concrete steps

december nights  thunder and light

sweet exchanges

and kisses and suprise. we laugh at everything together now. its one sound. one movement.

the butterflies are back and churning me. upright and side by side.

i can see right through that smile and it gives me hope.

its not permanent. but its now and its real.

innovative friction.

inconcievable. the words i press onto this screen will never do those lips or light eyes any justice.

those strong hands and the way they can crush and restrain….but soothe and tingle.

its all so astounding.


i could go on…. but miska needs stoges, and i need fresh air.


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Somewhere in there I forgot they were words I was reading … just thoughts, emotions and feelings…

December 3, 2009

<3 <3

December 4, 2009
