12:51 friday nighhtss

preshh play ma’ darling



overexpose thyself. uh-huh. wickedly lovely. iwake in the midafternoon. watch sex and the city. get ready. and go out. gangsta as it gets. went to a cafe in hacketstown to support our TOAST babies. they were darling as expected. it was kind of beat so erm and i chilled on that fancy mainstreet sidewalk. saw some fancy rides pass through. a white and pea-soup color micro bus, a challenger ( dukes of hazard style) .. among some other nasty tricked out vehicles. ha. so to the grease ball we ventured. i dont know why we ever bother anymore. we always look around.. and laugh at how patheric the place has become. over run with scenesters and drug dealers. its always worse than we expect it to be. so inside to say ello to chris. we got his new digits, so hopefully we can solidify our big plans. and go to some jersey diner and talk it up about our musical asperations. zines, bands, reviewing.. and la dee da. we are more than over due. this shall be fun.

after departing… you will never guess where we went.

DINER! of course. black coffee please! im so damn cheap. thats all i ever order. but my tip is always 100% the bill. two dollars. yes sir.

why am i writing this ? is anyone actually gonna read this bs? didnt think so.

ah well my night was put to a close with the srokes blasting as loud as emilys car would allow.

here… i havent dosed this thing with photos in a while,. here are some winters that i found. my comp is out of space for new photos… so i have to delete some before i can update. thats a lot of sfting to do.



















i probably posted them some entry.. say days ago. but ehh. whos keeping track?

i know im not.


Talk to me now I’m older
Your friend told you ’cause I told her
Friday nights have been lonely
Change your plans and then phone me

We could go and get forties
Fuck going to that party
Oh really, your folks are away now?
Alright, let’s go
You convinced me

12:51 is the time my voice
found the words I sought
Is it this stage I want?
The world is shutting out for us
Oh we were tense for sure
But we was confident

Kiss me now that I’m older
I won’t try to control you
Friday nights have been lonely
Take it slow but don’t warn me

We’d go out and get forties
Then we’d go to some party
Oh really, your folks are away now?
Alright I’m coming,

I’ll be right there


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July 13, 2007

favorite strokes song p.s. what partta jersey? cause theres the camden county scene, you heard of red tuesday and code red society and all them?

July 13, 2007

Nice Photos!

okay i understod nothing

Lovely. You were in a dream of mine last night. I don’t remember the details, but you were there and we were close friends. Is that weird of me to say? It was a happy dream, a dream of closeness and friendship. Which is quite foreign for me. Maybe I am weird, but I’m okay with that. Have a beautiful weekend miss.

July 14, 2007

i didn’t exactly understand this. but good song. *thumbs up*