
 I’ve been trying to post an entry for a couple weeks now, but either something is wrong with my laptop or with OD. So it finally came to mind to make use of this smartphone. Though its not the same :/

i burned all of my fingers at work last night. 

Curious what I did to deserve it haha.

ive had this itch in my bones to leave, just to get up and go. To Sweden or Thailand, somewhere far and different. I desire nature. I’m over this urban / suburban life. The sound of cars, planes, trains, people yelling in the middle of the night. I just want endless skies and silence. To be able to breathe and to know what it is to think again. To think freely, not of responsibilities or bills etc. I’m displeased with the ways of the world, with this modern life. But what do I do? I can’t go on like this much longer. It’s sure to drive me mad. Little spurts of insanity are bound to creep up. I’m sure you know what it’s like, to feel as though you are being lived, and not truly living yourself.


i took the day off today. I’m driving a little ways up north to heal this ache. Even if only for a couple hours.


The is me now adays, I’ll be more present. I used to be happy when I wrote.

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<3 glad your back love.