sane at school
Summer is here. School got out on Friday, and I will miss Alisha most desperately. She’s the kind of co-worker you want for a friend. A real, live friend. The best part is I think she feels the same way about me. Anyone who can be with me six hours a day for 180 days and still think that must be quite the gal.
Let’s see… I rode in a helicopter (May) and went river rafting (April) and survived both. There’s definitely a brave side to Stella emerging. Who knew she could even handle a roller coaster?
As for the end of school, one of my parents gave me a $50 gift card, which I think means she likes me. I mean, I know there’s other parents that like me, sure… (one hand-made me a quilt, which of course made her reach the special inner-part of my heart) but I just like knowing I haven’t let them down, you know?
It’s so easy to feel that way. Perhaps legitimately.
The new cooperating teacher has been a social worker for 12 years. She’s nice, but is so busy trying to impress everyone that I have no idea who she really is or what she’ll be like. I just keep remembering how richly blessed I have been to work with Karen first, and Alisha second, and so someone has to keep me sane at school; the evidence clearly indicates Father knows that. We’ll see who pulls through for that charming job.
I want to ride a roller coaster with brave new Stella… there’s a new one, you know…
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