School Blessing
School Blessing
I remember last year when I stepped in the school, I felt the excitment and dreams. It was a hot day and it took me a really long trip to get there. Beams of rays shone me and I was looking forward to the upcoming challenges and different things. I wandered around the school and dropped by the computer centre and library. The school was not big at all and it took not much time to go over the places.
I remember the first lesson and some of the students I met. I was excited and nervous. Bill was the student I have got around with most of the times. There were some more like Joanna, Michael, Nicolas, Rebecca, Ling, etc. Time flashed. Now, it has been a year thereafter. I have been finished the last few modules in my course lately in August, although some students finished faster than me. Still, I have one more to go in the coming September.
A saying goes, ‘A start comes with an end’. Some studets will graduate and will have never a chance to meet again. It’s a god’s blessing which makes us a chance to get together for awhile and it’s god’s will to make us separate apart. Afterall, I am still looking for ways to go. I have a new challenge to attend a new college in the coming year. Good luck, I earnestly hope!