Losing Faith

This time it’s in my previous taste in movies. It seems like nearly every movie that I thought had some merit ten or more years ago is turning out to really be crap when I revisit it. It’s embarassing to even mention some of the titles. A handful have survived the test of time, but now I’d like to just have the mailman hang out for a minute while I check the latest shipment from Netflix to see if any of them need to linger in my home for even a day. Not only are they usually poorly produced and the audio poorly balanced (even on DVD!) but the plots are just pathetic!

I’m glad my taste in music hasn’t fared quite so badly. While there are still some cd’s that I only pull out occasionally to remind myself why they’re neatly tucked away, the majority of what I liked ten years ago, I still like today.

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December 23, 2004

Most of the movies I really loved 10 years ago I still love–only a few clunkers.

Movies come, movies go….but music is forever. ~