
I wish you could have seen the moon here tonight. It is what we would call a "harvest moon." Bright and orange on the horizon. It’s so smokey here in the city. I’m presuming there is a forest fire nearby.
But the moon rose over the horizon around 20:30 this evening. I was driving all over the city trying to find a good indian food place to eat. Most places were closed down.
One of the streets I was driving up was straight in line with the moon. I could see it rise into the sky as I drove up and over this hill.
It is nearly full..it might be a full moon tomorrow.
It would have been nice to be outside, 23C, holding  you in my arms while watching the moon in "Nose Hill Park."

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September 7, 2006

The moon was great last night. ryn: Yea, I definitly stay far from the sorority girls now, except for my best friend Kristen. And engineering isn’t bad! Computer or electrical it seems far better than my course of study. Advertising. I did date an engineer once. Quite interesting. Ciao-

September 7, 2006

ryn: lol is all I can say. College is about doing your own thing. In all honesty, I don’t really drink all that much. I’m a wine at dinner type of person, not a go out and get smashed becuase I have nothing else to do kind of girl. All I can say is, don’t regret not going to the parties. They probably sucked anyway. 😀 ciao

September 7, 2006

its funny that i’m thousands of miles away from you and yet i basked in the same moon light last night. sometimes, it really is the little things.

September 7, 2006

I was looking up at that same moon. It’s kind of interesting how we’re all connected by something like that. RYN: Thanks. I was rafting under the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska. I handed the camera to my mom behind me and she got that shot. It’s actually one of the few photos where I’m smiling so my teeth show. It also turns out that it makes a great “emo avatar.”

September 7, 2006

It is so awesome like that. I wrote a poem last night about walking across a field under it. Side by side though, not romantic, just wanting to be out in the night with a friend.

interesting that you wrote about the harvest moon. last night, when i went for a late run, on the way back it appeared to be just above my roofline…it was beautiful. I specifically thought…wonder who is noticing this?

September 7, 2006

I love the moon in general. That sounds gorgeous.

September 7, 2006

… actually, it wasn’t romantic…more that it’s nice to hug people…it would have been nice to hug any one of my friends as the evening was so wonderful…I doubt my guy friends would appreciate it much though 😉

September 8, 2006

That sounds amazing. Unfortunately when the moon was out last night I was watching Robin Williams Live…funny but no where as beautiful :0) Anything But A——–>

September 8, 2006

The moon and I are closet lovers.

September 18, 2006

the last full moon was totally awesome. i was able to watch it as the glorious orb first peeked over the horizon, then watched as it slowly made its ascent into the midnight sky~

last year I came around a corner and the moon was huge and orange and right there it scared the heck out of me, made me jump and caused my friend to laugh..