cops experience

So I was watching COPS the other day… I never really watch the show but there was nothing else on worth watching.

I was taken aback at the stories of the people. they were so sad I didn’t know what to do.

One guy was arguing with his wife. She threw a toaster at him so he hit her. Then she got him arrested. Three days later he was released and went home only to find his wife’s boyfriend moved in and kicked him out.

His heart was broken, he was homeless, and had nowhere else to turn too. Even his kids were taken away from him. He became a meth user and was being arrested by the police at this point.

Of course this was only one side of the story… but it made me realize how lucky I am and how blessed I am that God provided me with a wonderful partner.

The next story was about a guy who was addicted to meth when he was probably only 12 or so. He was on it for seven years and then off it for a year. He then started again about a month before he was arrested on this show. He really was around my age…clean shaven, pretty handsome and not at all intimidated (especially since he was wasted on meth). I really felt bad for this guy as it so easily could have been me born in his situation.

I don’t know why I’m in the situation where I am and not in theirs… I believe it’s HIS GRACE that’s done it. . . could be no other reason really. I don’t believe in “luck”.

This is real life. It’s no smoke screne. People live in utter pain and anguish while we sleep in nice homes (owned by the bank), drive nice cars (probably owned by the bank) and ignore people in need.

I don’t know what to do about it. Throwing money at the problem is not going to fix it. It’s not going to make my heart feel any peace. It’s not going to make me feel better about myself.

God tells us to clean the log out of our own eye before we try to get the splinter out of other’s eyes.

Why are we throwing money into third world nations when our own countries are suffering terribly? Maybe we do this because people can then feel better about themselves thinking that they’ve done some “good” for the world. Granted they might be doing some good…but we don’t even give lip service to what God want’s us to do in the process!

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Exact reason I got rid of my tv. I know what goes on in the world. I dont want to bring that into my home.

Thanks- Im a lucky woman to have him!

May 13, 2004

yes amen a blessing to read. I don’t watch t.v. anymore – the ‘world’ fills me in passing on the key events of the day – so much heartache and pain in this lost world. The Lord says to keep our hearts and minds focused on Him. We are to shine and be His light in this dark world – it is easy to be overwhelmed by it all – but God is in control – He will guide each and show us where and how to bless

May 13, 2004

I don’t want to focus or learn the ‘world’s news’ , but keep my heart anchored on the ‘good news’. We need to be strengthened in this life – and He is our anchor – and we cling to Him – He is our strength – and our Rock – and in this strengthening we can then minister to others and comfort as we are comforted – thanks for the note about us thinking we are our own little ‘g’od – idols 🙂

May 13, 2004

Though we are in this world – we are by His Spirit not of it – and we can walk in the midst of the darkness and shine His light and love – and give hope to the hopeless -I understand your points – when we ask Him what shall we do Lord? The answer is shine your light before men – the light of Christ – so that GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED IN THE HEARTS OF MEN. We are His love reaching out to a hurting world

May 13, 2004

We are here to glorify Him – Share His love and truth – in the earth – whether it be through a comforting hug to a hurting friend or loved one – or whether it is an encouraging phone call – or a poem or email we write – whatever HE CALLS US TO DO IN THIS LIFE FOR OTHERS- in His Spirit of love and truth – it will bless other hearts in Him – may His love fill you and His peace surround you (((hugs))

RYN: my auntie smoked for probably 20-30 years.She quit when I was nine, and I’m 24 now, so she hadn’t smoked for 15 years. I’m still assuming that is wear the lung cancer came from though.

May 23, 2004

Thank you for the note-it was nice. I believe in what you have written here-the world is a hard place to be sometimes, and money is not going to solve the problems in it…The most anyone can do, however, is live their life the best way they can, help the people in it, and not watch to much tv 🙂

finally got around to explaining more of what i believe, leave more notes, if you please–your hilarity is unmatched.