cleaning up

So, for those who have been following my diary the last little while will have noticed that most of the recent stuff has now been moved to private. . . some stuff should just have been private from the get-go.

oh well 😉

It is so nice to have comments from some of the regulars (you know who you are).

I don’t have much to report…I went to a Eucharistic Congress here in Charlotte North Carolina. It’s an interesting Catholic thing that has been going on since 1771 or so (obviously not here…this one was the second). Basically it consists of 24hr Eucharistic adoration, some speakers (some really good ones), a holy hour with a homily, and then Holy Mass. It’s quite a powerful experience being in a room with some 2000-3000 other Catholics who are participating in a little bit of "Heaven on Earth." It’s pretty powerful if you ask me.

I’m not Catholic though so I’m not "allowed" to participate in the Holy Mass. I am just alowed to "observe." Until I become a Catholic… which surprising to some, is something I am in the process of doing.

Cheers out.

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October 10, 2006

RYN: Ah Venus Flytraps! I never thought of those. They’ll get rid of the bugs and entertain the kids. What a great idea. Thanks! Hugs, John

October 10, 2006

ryn-its funny what little things help. glad you found something to turn to to fill the void. i was going to post this the other day but here…

October 10, 2006

Isaiah 40:29-31: He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Boy do I ever know what a stetson hat is, its our mascot.. we’re the hatters talk about symbolism that strikes fear into peoples hearts.. the guy who invented the Stetson hat, like founded our school.. so.. you know.. ^_^ and yes, I am routinely that stupid at high end hours of the night.. ♥

October 10, 2006

I wanna be regular!

October 16, 2006

Ah yes, Adoration is the key to everything. Everything!

October 17, 2006

what kind of process is there for “becoming” a Catholic? i take it that its nothing like protestantism where once you choose to be, you are.