Average Business

I. Anxiety

Recently wrestling with
why I’ve
with demons.

Have I sought to lead
them to salvation
or just avoiding discovery
that I am a demon?

II. Conversation Area

We pulled down the boat ramp
and parked, front wheels just brakes
away from swimming.

Then we lit the joint,
spraying something cinnamon,
our only problem being cornered in.
I had no shoes and imagined
tearing down the dirt path to flee.

III. Seven-leaf clovers

Are bad luck.
I gave one to your grandmother
before her nose got bloody.
There’s worry about the soil
and about the baby’s doll.

The doll that the baby keeps on kissing
as the eldest leave the party.

IV. Improvements

Before the boat ramp,
you asked what kind of business this was.
Your brother said it was just
some average
You replied that you’d just ran out,
but that THAT
had been some FIRE

V. Double Double Digits

Is kind of like Double Jeopardy,
but not really at all, in the slightest.

It’s more like a dumb-bell
on your toes
and nobody caring to kiss it better
because you should know
by now
that kisses won’t fix that.

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very interesting.

yeah very, and it looks from the names like you’ve noted yourself.