Its amazing the impact a person can have you. A person that share qualities you adore. A person that you love to see grow through tribulations. A being that is capable of being just the ultimate in your life. There’s an old song with a chorus that say.. "Once you get it… hold on… don’t you let go….[no matter what it is]." Yeah, I dig that song. But its such a difficult feat. You meet someone, who is absolute beautiful. Someone that finally gives genuine love. Someone who digs you for you. No matter what where you are… They will meet you there, as David Ruffin once said. The impact of good love is something thats not easy to let go. Days on Days ignoring and refusing to reach out to their hand. And for what? In the name of stubbornness? In the name of assumption? In the name of …. whatever it may be should not make you live your life is fear. Impact. Such a strong word with few letters that explain so much. It is the impact from a strong and beautiful being that makes you look at the midnight moon and morning sun, and thinking exclusively of that one person. Because they sent you to that space…. once.
And they are gone. And most times, as individual, you have to say enough is enough. Damn all the silliness of what boggles your mind juvenilisticly, and just go for your guns. Is the impact enough to make you happy? Is it enough? Marvin Gaye asked, Is it enough…..?? I said it was enough. You know you just love that distance stuff. Impact makes one say, Silly Rabbit tricks are for kids. Tricks being games. Tricks being a person.
But maybe such an impact came from a false intention and I was foolish enough to not know the difference. Maybe I am so blinded by the fact that forevership is such a beautiful thang that I am not trying to see anything else. Maybe it was her impact as a supreme beautiful being, that I deeply adored.