Drunken Monkey Nights: The Prelude
Well I woke up this morning feeling good and feeling great. I was up all night doing nothing much, but I got paid today, so I cashed my check with Miss Germany. I passed in some papers, then I chilled out for a minute. I went to Big Bad Telly’s house for a while since Miss Germany wanted to go with me to get something for Mother’s Day. So Soul Sista, myself, Miss Germany, and (now introducing) Sweet Bree all went to get something to eat, to drink for my party tonight at Soul Sista’s, then got Coxxy Woxxy Foxxy Roxxy…and came back to get my present for Mother’s Day. I ended up helping Miss Germany get her mother something for Mother’s Day. I can only be who I am. Although, she doesn’t care for me… I am almost sure the day with come. I am humble and patient. So I bought all presents, and things then…. back to campus we went. I left them all so I can run some errands and get ready for tonight….. the party was only hours away…..my first party at Soul Sista’s apartment…amongst friends…