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*Does a little dance*

January 23, 2005

*does a little dance….naked.* lol 😀

The above person’s a show off 😛 I know WI rocks, I’m going back on tuesday 😀 Thanks for stopping by my diary and leaving me a couple of notes.

January 24, 2005

ahh! Naked dances! hi eric.

January 24, 2005

beats a drum rhythmically in the background

January 27, 2005

It’s not that i’m a show-off necesarily…I’m just the gf. But hey, if you all want to dance naked, too. Go right ahead. I can always play back-up tambourine!

January 27, 2005

you should see it. i wanted to see Closer, but got mixed reviews from my friends that saw it. i think i will rent it though. i like natalie portman and who doesnt like jude law? hahah…well, have fun!