Racing questions…silent answers

Why now?

If you were relieved and it wasn’t anything more than FWB then why did you try and “save” things with her, continuing to lie about “us”, KNOWING she was coming forward.  

If you 3 were being honest with each other and it was nothing more than FWB then why is her husband under the impression you were obsessive and falling in love but she didn’t want that and couldn’t wait to end it, but she says you had plans to move in; along with Xavier, and when you had multiple chances to come clean and deal with the repercussions you continued to deny it and had a relationship with her?

Why when I asked/offered for our relationship to end, offered a separation, offered an open swinger style, offered roommates did you continue to say you wanted to work on it and you were all in – knowing you were not and you just were wanting the best of both worlds? (its the only way I can say it? )

Would you have come clean and told me if she had not?

Was the grass really greener on the side?

Was the 1.5 years worth it?

I don’t understand why on that Friday when I came to you and was 100% willing to move on and build us stronger did you lie – knowing you had NO intentions of ending things.  

Why going further am I responsible to plan the dates, etc to “fix” and repair us? 

You want this to end and be done but I feel like you are continuing to protect her and her friends. Tell me the names so I can block them on my socials. 

When I was open, vulnerable, and scared and said that it would break me, literally kill me MORE THAN ONCE; starting in Sept and current why did you continue? I was loud and clear that if I found out that it would destroy me; I looked you in the eyes and said this….

What do you love about me?

How will it be different going forward?

Did the boss man know as she said she was in the garage where there are CAMERAS?

When you had to go to the bosses for weekend work, to mow, to turn on the pool, for all of those quick errands….was she there?

When you HAD to go to the casino and up north black Friday with your boss and co worker…was it her or someone else?


Remember: you are reading MY “perspective” of given events.  These writings are MY feelings; whether they are present tense – written in the moment, past tense – drafted during the day, or anticipated – futuristic.  All information provided is what I know from the information I have been given. As with any and every situation there are multiple sides to share the account. It is at the discretion of the reader to which side they favor. 

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