My Circus, My Monkeys

Now that I’m sharing more and the situation is becoming sticky I figured I’d explain my style of writing and the purpose behind this “diary”.


By now if you’ve been following along you will see that whenever I reference the mistress in any context it is stricken threw.  There is a simple reason behind this; in grammar a strikethrough is used to “indicate the deletion of an error or the removal of text in a draft. Strikethrough is primarily used to mark text that is mistaken or to be removed” – in my mind that is her place. Deleted from our lives.

When I write, mentally I am reading allowed as though we are dear friends and you are a long time blog reader – a friend. Mentally my voice is the perfect voiceover for the words that appear on the screen. More specifically Amy Adams in “Julie and Julia” or maybe even a Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City).  I have always had writer dreams – published in print from so I take it seriously. I do spend time looking for synonyms and use the Thesaurus, I feel like I write with power, I write like its enjoyable and people are left hanging for the next entry – because I am.

I am not married – I have been with my partner for 20 years. I refer to him as my significant other for the diary purpose. There was some confusion when I mentioned partner; we are not same sex – not that it matters.

The disclaimer; because I have made this diary public on my social medias and I have people who are only following along for the details I am choosing to use a disclaimer. I am well aware that they are trolling. As I have said, if I am posting it publically – it has occurred in the household prior.  I do not want anything that I share to be used against me. I feel like I am in a narcissistic relationship and have to protect my peace at all costs.

I will never ever share names, social media handles, etc. – don’t ask.

Its assumed that there is zero anger towards my significant other – please – I am just not at the place where I can put it into words. I have not chosen a thing. Maybe people don’t understand that – that’s ok – I am not asking anyone to understand this – I don’t understand this. But assuming that I have taken one side or the other is false.

He is responsible.

She is responsible.

Her husband is responsible. 

Remember: you are reading MY “perspective” of given events.  These writings are MY feelings; whether they are present tense – written in the moment, past tense – drafted during the day, or anticipated – futuristic.  All information provided is what I know from the information I have been given. As with any and every situation there are multiple sides to share the account. It is at the discretion of the reader to which side they favor. 

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2 days ago

I went to friends only because I was being plagiarized and trolled. I only use nicknames for folks (except my sister and some of the minor players in this play).

22 hours ago

@snarkle absolutely – I will never ever use real names or dox.  It’s a mess I don’t care to get involved in. I always feel like if the words I write make you feel guilty – re-evaluate your actions.

20 hours ago