Mixed Drinks About Feelings
I gravity to music and writing to heal my broken soul. They’re a beautiful ebb and flow.
Entries under the “Musical Chairs” chapter will contain songs that create my life’s playlist. From the sentimental moments to the hard ones and everything in between.
Without further ado; Song #1. Mixed Drinks About Feelings (Eric Church).
If I had to pick a song that encapsulated my emotions the first week following the affair being exposed it would be this one. I could replay this over and over again and find the peace and solace I was craving…
Put on some this or that
And maybe I won’t feel so bad
Need a little background noise
To drown out this little voice
Running circles ’round my brain
Screaming louder than the pain
And maybe I won’t feel so bad
Need a little background noise
To drown out this little voice
Running circles ’round my brain
Screaming louder than the pain
My head is spinning
My resolve is reeling
I can tell by the heavy in my heart
I’m going down soon
No use fighting the fight
It’s no contest tonight
My figured out’s never been more confused
Having mixed drinks about feelings and you
My resolve is reeling
I can tell by the heavy in my heart
I’m going down soon
No use fighting the fight
It’s no contest tonight
My figured out’s never been more confused
Having mixed drinks about feelings and you
Turn off the bedroom light
Put on a brave face and face the night
It’s either get used to this dread
Or the cold spot in our bed
The bottle helps, but the memory burns
The whiskey soothes, but I toss and turn
I’ll find sleep ’til dreams relent
Wake up tired and try again
Put on a brave face and face the night
It’s either get used to this dread
Or the cold spot in our bed
The bottle helps, but the memory burns
The whiskey soothes, but I toss and turn
I’ll find sleep ’til dreams relent
Wake up tired and try again
Sadly I relate. Too too well.
@snarkle I feel for you, tremendously. Its a terrible feeling to be alone, when you have someone within arms reach.
@unfilteredhousewife For me, that happened so long ago. 26 yrs when he finally vanished for good. But the last 6 yrs of the marriage… he was there but so were all the ghosts of all the hidden women. Sadly I know they were not mean or nasty… I had been one for his first wife and didn’t even know it until far too late… such a painful situation for everyone (probably not him but me and our sons)
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