NoJoMo 30


Honestly, I never thought I’d manage 30 entries like this. I had this feeling that I’d forget or get lazy or something, and then not come on here to post more NoJoMos out of shame. So WELL DONE ME.

Other than that I am not in a good mood today. People in the office are starting to talk about going to Bread and Butter and I am not happy about it. I found out it costs the company ZERO euros to get me a ticket to go. They can literally order as many tickets as they want for free. Seeing as I offered to pay for my travel and accomodation, that leaves the company with a grand total of zero to send me to Bread and Butter. And they still said no. FUCKERS!

And then to top it all off, this year, people can order an outfit from the catalogue to go to the event in. This pisses me off because people here get plenty of free clothes. We get a lot of samples sent in, and they are all size 28 womens, size 32 mens, and most of the people here are that size. I am , unfortunately, bigger than a size 28. Not a lot bigger but big enough that I will not fit comfortably into a sample size. 

So when there’s freebies going spare, I never get anything because nothing fits me. And now people get to order themselves an outfit, I’m gutted. I could really do with something in my size for once. Eh, makes me feel depressed.

Also, i wasn’t allowed in a meeting this morning because I didn’t receive an official email invite. It was a meeting with the president to review the new seasons’ designs, and I’ve been really interested in his feedback seeing as he’s a business guy more than a jeans guy. But no. Not invited. I mean, come on, it’s not like my presence would ruin the meeting or anything. I could literally stand at the back and listen, out of everyone’s way.

Ach, sorry, this entry is pretty whingy, I’m just in a fed up mood today. EVERYONE around me is ill and grumpy and their mood is rubbing off on me. I’m also worried because I am the only one not ill and I’m just waiting to catch something off someone.

Argh, and there’s so much work to do.

Also, I had to prepare for my end of year appraisal today. Halfway through the year I got all these guidelines about hwat I need to ‘strive’ to do etc etc, how to improve the workplace with my presence bla bla bla. Now before I’m told whether I did this ok or not, I have to decide for myself whether I did. As far as I can tell I did what was asked of me. But I had to rate from "did not meet expectations" to "met expectations" to "exceeded expectations". I genuinely COULD NOT put "exceeded expectations" for ANYTHING, because uhhhh hello?! How do I know if I exceeded expectations?!

I did what was expected. I’m not going to be big headed and be like "Oh yeah, I totally smashed your expectations, DIDN’T I?!!!". So I just rated myself average for everything. I just hope they don’t take this too seriously. People keep saying I’m good at what I do so I HOPE (fingers crossed) there’s no problems. But you just never know. Maybe there was some hidden expectation lurking somewhere that I forgot to fulfill.

So yep, end of NoJoMo. I think my favourite entries were the ones with photos in. I reckon they always spice up an entry. I wish more people would put photos in their entries, it breaks up the text a bit and gives a bit of visual insight into their life.

If everyone who reads this today could do a photo entry by the end of the week, I would be immensely happy. But you have to tell me you’ve done it, just in case you’re not bookmarked!


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