Sort of update.
I realized a few minutes ago that its been almost a year since I broke up with john. I didn’t realize that its been that long already. My how time flies when you aren’t dreading every single day of your life. Its crazy the things I’ve been through in just the past year. The things I’ve learned about myself and realized I want from life. The realization that above all you have to be true to yourself. Life is only as good as you make it, sure…it has its ups and downs no matter what you do, but learning to overcome even when things go to shit is what makes the difference. I hate that I’ve gone through so much in my life and continue he to still be tested. I’ve always believed things happen for a reason, but as some point its gotta get easier, right?
I’m in love, but practically homeless. Decent job, but no respect from my boss. Can’t I catch a break? I’m over the trials…I just want my happily ever after already.
He’s brought up me moving in with him, but I’m afraid to. I think its too soon. I don’t want to fuck this up because we rushed it. No matter how in love we are. Moving in together is a HUGE step. One I’m just not ready for. He is amazing though. I couldn’t ask for someone more perfect for me.
Meh.writting on my phone is irritating. I’m over it already. Think I’m going to cut this short and head to bed. Maybe later this week I can access a computer and write a real entry.