Social Media Detox?

I’m depressed, like really fucking depressed. I know that I’ve been depressed for a while, but the past few months it has hit a new low. I’ve always been able to just push through and do the things and inadvertently I seem to just have become numb to…everything. I started taking antidepressants for the first time in my life about 2 months ago and on my 2nd medication so far. It doesn’t feel like it’s helping at all, but sticking with it to see if over time they will start to make a difference. Increased therapy appointments to once a week instead of biweekly and she brought up trying to shift focus in sessions to be less talk therapy based and start on a journey with EMDR therapy. At this point I’m willing to try anything because there is no joy in my life. I don’t have fun skating, I rarely read, I don’t really do any art. I mindlessly scroll the internet looking for that easy dopamine and end my days feeling emptier and emptier.

Thinking I need to go on a social media detox to force myself into those different activities. I feel like I have no time for the gym or to enjoy other hobbies and then my phone tells me at the end of the week I averaged 8+ hours on it so clearly there is a disconnect. I don’t even really want to write in here, but I know it helps to get thoughts out. So maybe I’ll force myself to write here daily even if I use some prompts to help get me started. I need to create better habits to help my mental health.

While writing this I just went into my phone to see what my time breakdowns for phone usage was last week.
TikTok – 34h 7m
Facebook – 7h 31m
Blockblast – 4hr 37m

Those 3 apps alone took over 46 hours of my life last week. Cool, cool. So I deleted TikTok from my phone and we’ll see where that goes. Maybe I’ll take some time now to write a list of things I’d rather spend my time doing instead of doom scrolling so when I’m sitting on my couch bored and not sure what to do I can pick something from the list.

Yup. That’s what I’m going to do right now actually and possibly find some prompts for writing here more often.


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March 31, 2024

A few years ago I went on a trip to a country that had hardly any free wifi. It resulted in me having an unplanned social media detox, and I must say I was so much less stressed during those three weeks away. Unfortunately I volunteer with an animal rescue so can’t just get rid of all social media when I want (if I could, I would, at least for periods of time).

April 1, 2024

I am completely in the same boat. Ugh. It’s awful!!! Social media addiction is a big problem with most people these days. In many ways, smart phones were the worst invention. 🤦🏻

April 1, 2024

I used to like Tiktok but I lost all comprehension of it. I like Snapchat though. FB is toxic af. What is the last one?? I think I might go back to Peach Social. 🙂 I don’t do X or Bluesky any more either. If you want to chat some, we can. Here or on Snapchat, my username is momonapiki. 🙂

April 1, 2024

I meditate. I hope light comes into your life and takes away the shadow of depression. I suffered a long time in that darkness many moons ago. I have positive thoughts for you.