I think that’s the only way to describe how I feel right now.
I was turned down for my transfer.
I now have three options.
1. Make the 1.5 HR trip to work one way everyday. (Which really isn’t an option.)
2. Look for another job closer to Matt. No jobs though so again not really an option.
3. Suck it up and wait until a store opens up. Which could take a month..
Could be six months.
Fuck. 🙁
Sucks because we both got our hopes up. Hell we even talked some about marriage this weekend. If I had written an entry Sunday it’d have been happy and gushing about everything Matt said this weekend. But now all I can think about is how much I miss him during the week. Yeah, I’ll live, but I hate spending my nights alone. Hate only seeing him on the weekends.
I’ll snap out of it, but right now I’m just in a very blah mood.
Going to plaster this smile on my face and try to force myself into a better mood.