Interviews- BLEH. I ‘ate ’em. I think I did well, though… not to say that I will get the scholarship because there’s so much damn competition. Apparently I’m the only one who knew where their money came from. It definitely gave me the upperhand being in KEY Club and all that. They seemed to like me, but it was mortifying nonetheless. Too many people staring at me with their little notes and scores and BAH. Scary. That one dude was out to get me, I swear. Before, while I was waiting for the interview, I sat in awkward silence with Darlene while staring at the floor waxing guy. It was fun.
Here’s another little bit of happiness…ness. They spelled my name wrong on my graduation announcements! How sweet of them. I’m in a predicament… I should just legally change my name. Whatever, let them think what they want. I’m not going to have them fix it because it will take at least two weeks and you know how that goes… It’s just kind of annoying, that’s all. As long as the diploma is right. If it’s wrong, I swear I will kick somebody in the crotch.
I was reading Rolling Stones today and I’ve decided that Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman are very bizarre people. I’m not complaining. Kill Bill 2 is coming out soon. Billy Bob Thornton is also quite interesting… I didn’t know he had OCD.
I feel sick all of the sudden. Flu-like symptoms. I think it’s because I was chewing gum- that, and I sneezed. That’s enough to make anyone want to hurl. It’s time for bed.