I thought

I thought I wrote an entry the other day. obviously I didn’t.

Not sure about work any more… I’m a recruiter now. I kinda miss being an administrator. Saw our competition advertising for a recruitment administrator on the weekend. Puts thoughts in my head.

Absolutely cannot take a pay-cut though… might just cruise the job boards and see what I see… I’m scared about pigeon holing myself into a job that I don’t really like.

I could find another job… or I could win a hideous amount of money in the lottery so I can pay my own wages and stay at home pottering about the house all day. That would be fun.

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apparently not… did i tell you ive cut all my hair again? i look kind of like i did in year six. voluntarily. if you can believe that. i love you. heard from jas the other day. she’s doing good. just so you know… alle