Oh geez…
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I seriously feel like driving my head into a brick wall *lol*. I am SO incredibly tired and Autumn isnt helping mommy stay sane today. I dont know why im so tired. Oh wait, yes I do. Because Autumn decided she wanted to wake up at 5am so I grabbed her out of her crib and put her in our bed. After 15 minutes of her laughing and squirming, she fell back asleep. I, on the other hand, couldnt sleep AT ALL because she takes up most of the bed. I dont know why she woke up last night, I guess she just wasnt tired.
She is getting this attitdue…. and it is SUPER annoying. She does this really high pitched girly whiney scream when she wants something or when she wants me to hold her. Very annoying when your in restraunts. She keeps getting into everything shes not supposed to, she doesnt listen to "no" anymore, when I smack her hand for getting into something shes not supposed to she smiles and starts clapping. I guess she thinks me smacking her hand is like clapping so she wants to do it too.
I tried to feed her lunch 2 different times and she wont eat so I guess shes going to skip it today. Oh, and she discovered there is water in the toilet this morning. *sigh*
I just went to check on her because I heard her whine and she dumped all the water out of the dog bowl and was playing in it Uuuuuuuuugh.
Right now she keeps scraping her teeth on the glass door on her dresser. I tell her no no and sit her down and she goes back. I just yelled at her and it scared her and she came power crawling over to me *lol*. Of course she went back and did it again… I just told her no no in a more firm voice. Is that what I need to do? I dont like yelling… I am not going to yell at her. Do I need to smack her hand harder and say things firmer now? I dont know if it will honestly do any good and I dont want to do it if its not.
She just went into the other room again so I better go get her. Im going to try to get her to take a nap so I can take one too. Pictures later.
Aww man, sorry about Autumn hitting the naughty phase!! This stuff just happens to sweet angels, sadly! You know when my friend’s son was around 9 months he started being more naughty too. She is probably just seeing what her boundries are!
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at this age, i think it’s just easier to keep reinforcing the rules with a no and a distraction (when i let him in the kitchen, he knows he has his own cupboard with kitchen items to play with. it distracts him from the catfood…for a bit.) they know what they’re not supposed to touch but they rarely listen to “no.” they’re exploring the world and we just have to put up with it, i think, until they can learn what is not for them and what is. so frustrating, eh? i have a baby gate in the kitchen doorway. the bathroom door is closed. chairs block things i don’t want sawyer getting into. furniture has been rearranged to cover up plugs and things. my house was half baby proof because of the curious cat though. small things have always been hidden b/c she would steal them to chase around the house. LOL
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yeah. it’s not the same one he had when he was little though. it’s another, bigger one. until recently, he has been fine to sit in it too while i snooze on the couch in the morning (and he’d sleep too-esp. with vibrations on.) he can sit up and fall out the sides or front but chose not to. lately, he’s sick of being in there though, so i let him play until he was tired and ready for bed again thismorning instead of making him sit in there.
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Yeah I don’t think there is anything we can do at this age *lol* Kathryn’s had this attitude since birth so I feel your pain.
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When Abby goes for something that can be really dangerous (like the fan) she gets a hard smack on the hand and a very stern “no.” It works. It scares her a little, but right afterwards I just pull her away from it and calmly tell her than she can’t play with that. Then she’s over it. We keep the bathroom door closed if she seems to want to go that way all day. Also, she’s not allowed in the kitchen. Our kitchen is really small and that’s where the cat’s food/water dishes are. She tries to go in there every now and then but I just tell her to come back into the livingroom. If it doesn’t work I just go get her and tell her she needs to stay out of the kitchen. My guess is Autumn is just testing the boundaries. Now’s when it probably won’t hurt to be a little more firm in your “no’s” and just keep reinforcing the rules. Babies learn do’s and don’t from repetition. LOL Good luck.
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Oh my goodness! Sounds like you’ve had a busy day and Autumn’s been a VERY busy girl. *lol*
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welcome to my world, lol. this is where it gets interesting. i find no means nothing around their age. distraction is a good tool for staying sane. always keep the bathroom door closed. we gave zav the thunder cupboard in the kitchen [pots + pans] that helps a bit. if he’s still adamant to throw catfood around the room, i just put it up. i don’t think smacking the hand helps at all. we do timeouts
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[1 minute] they helped at first, but not so much now. consistency is key though so we keep it up anyways. on days where i’m going absolutely nuts, i just don’t care about the little things as much. if he’s gonna throw catfood across the room, so be it at the moment. there’s plenty of worse things he can get into. hang in there gurl, this part is the worst so far in my experience.
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Aaww… I’m sorry she’s being bratty today. :-p Hopefully it’s just a fit that’s taken ahold of her for the day and tomorrow she’ll be much better. Hope you guys get to take a nap. *hugs*
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lol… ameena has some bath toys. When I was taking a bath she kept trying to put one in and I wouldn’t let her. She eventually gave up. After I got out of the bath I found all 3 of her fishes floating in the toilet.
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I feel you on the screaming thing. That’s Riley’s new favorite thing and it drives me crazy!! Definitely sucks in restaurants.
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That is what I don’t miss about that age…lol Nick was like that…into everything. Of course he still is, but you know. He got to the point that he’d smack our hands if we smacked his and would tell us no all the time. With him we basically just kept telling him no and did the time out thing…which at about 2 he started putting himself in time out after doing something wrong. I suggest choosing your battles…lol Nick was really bad about getting into the dogs food and water–for awhile he ate more dog food than he did people food. My nephew (who is also 3–almost 4) went through a phase where he was fascinated with the toilet and stuck his hands/toys/head in more than once… It’s all part of the fun of kids…
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What a busy little girl!!!
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