The Problem With Work Is…..

“The Problem With Work Is”


Hey Everyone,

Is that they are all a bunch of anal retentive little Hitlers! Yup, it’s vent time, and I’m gonna spill the beans on the wankers that have the say in my line of work! I’m not going to mention names, nor am I going to divulge the company in question, but I’m going to let you all know how things are done in this place and I am SURE you will be able to relate.


I’m in the plumbing industry, (I’m not a plumber) (I supply Plumbers) there are several supply companies about, but ours is one, if not the biggest. I admire the structures of the co. infact I think that “systems” are vital to keep track and monitor the way a business is performing, i.e. every single store works in the same way, however I draw the line when it as at the expense of integral employee’s. I have NEVER supported the mention that employee’s are expendable, that if they don’t work out you simply get another. This company spends estimated two and a half million a year on training. At present it is in deficit simply because we can’t keep staff! Why, because they haven’t yet moved into this century! All the training in the world, all the outlaying of cost, all the PROMO CRAP IN THE WORLD won’t keep a guy if the money is shit and the conditions are dismal!


I’m from the old school of life, if you don’t like your conditions you talk to your boss, if you don’t like your boss you find another job! THAT SIMPLE! However when carrots are CONSTANTLY waived under your nose you have to kick your own ass after a while for believing them! Tony Raineri looked after me like a son, why? Because I worked my ass off for him and he made good on the efforts I put in. He was the first guy who attributed his success in business to guys like me, his bread and butter men! I was included in meetings, my say was worth listening to, and I implemented systems that included all staff and not only increased business, but allowed profit sharing for all involved. That means all the way down to the little guy who kept the warehouse clean as a whistle! These guys give us a measly $150.00 every three months, IF WE MEET THEIR CRITERIA!!!!


Here’s an example for you, just so you know I’m not being a winging prick ok. As a driver, we are expected to complete a delivery within one hour of it being requested by a customer. That’s a fair deal, and with the allocated five drivers that our store requires to survive that expectation, we can all operate well. A realistic amount in one day would be around ten deliveries a day, there’s a lot in each one that takes a great deal of time ok. How ever when our fleet is reduced to only TWO, as it has been now for nearly six months, that requirement ain’t worth a pinch of shit! We are completing around 25 to 30 a day. It is physically impossible to achieve that many deliveries in one day by two guys! Clarkie and I are the fucking best this company has ever had, and I bloody well mean that! Between the two of us we have a combined 33 years in the transport industry. We know how to get the job done, and we know how to do it in the most efficient manner possible. I’m not tooting my own horn here guys, but 18 years of driving professionally has taught me how to win the big bucks on the road.

However it’s the point system that we both now realize is the biggest wank of all! In order to achieve our bonus, we MUST complete ALL deliveries in the allocated hour. If we indicate on our run sheets that we were more than fifteen minutes late on a delivery we are penalized and that comes off our bonus. So as a consequence we alter our times as per management instruction, to ensure that the store has a flawless record, and we all bathe in the waters of success right? NO! Clarkie and I are bordering on collapse is what happens, and the rest of the freeloaders are living on our sweat! The business makes MOST of its money on deliveries; we are a VITAL piece of the wheel. See, what happens in this case is that the powers that be who know us two as only a payroll number, they see on paper that we are coping and don’t need another driver (let alone three!) so we are overlooked for inclusions in that area.


Just so that we can get the full bonus (fucked as it is) we have to remain silent about all the late deliveries. So he and I got together and decided that we would show the fuckers and put into the system the REAL times that we reached the delivery point, simply so that the big bosses can see that we NEED more drivers, wanna know what happened! The mongrel assholes docked us! Not the rest of them, just us! The penalized us because we were working at an inadequate level! We lose money out of OUR bonus because the cockheads can’t find staff! WE GET SHAFTED!!!! What kind of a shit show is this?!!!! We didn’t ask to be short staffed, yet we are ripped for their inadequacies!


In addition to all this, I made it very clear when I started with this company that I wanted off the road. It was one of the main reasons I took the job, that I could increase my people skills and take a hand at selling. But OHHHH NO! They saw that I was a good driver, and THEY MILKED IT! I’m still driving, and doing more now tha

n I ever was before! Clarkie and I found out in a back hand sort of way, that we were to be allocated another driver THREE MONTHS AGO! Our regional manager said we were coping ok on paper so he squashed it! We blame ourselves for where have ended up, but we also blame the fucking slave driving assholes upstairs in our own store for not giving us a fair go!


There’s an old saying guys, “the rich get richer, and the poor get the picture”, well I don’t need this job as much as they need me! Our last driver who left over money was offered more money to stay! Why not pay a guy for what he’s worth for fuck sake! I guess Tony was the only guy I know who saw that. Look after your good staff; keep them happy, that way you all benefit! Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to go!!!!!!


Any how, the word has got out that I’m ready to spit it, so now they are telling me that I will have a position inside soon. Let’s just say they didn’t know how to handle it when I told them that the carrot has turned green with mould!


It goes like this in my world:

A fair days pay for a fair days work!

I’m not your fucking punching bag, nor am I your meal ticket!

I’m sick and tired of your promises and the bullshit that you play over and again!

Without road transport, the world stops!

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, well this friend has turned!

And further more, shove your 43k a year up your fucking asses, I can earn more driving semis and never getting out of the seat!!!!!!

Fuck I’m pissed off!


Much Love Guys!

Luke xoxoxo



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December 7, 2007

I don’t know why they never learn, treat your people right and they’ll treat you right, it’s that simple, obviously your bosses don’t know that yet, take care hugs

I can understand y & by the sounds of it, theyre idiots 4 losing u. It will be their loss & yr gain. Im sure there r way better employers out there needing someone with yr expertise. Good Luck with everything. Take care.

December 7, 2007
December 7, 2007

keep your chin up – fair comments and very true with all work to many you are just a number. On the rare occassion you will get that boss who can see that by treating your workers right you get maximum work out of them. Good luck luke

December 7, 2007

what’s his number I will call him up and KICK HIS ASS verbally! How dare they treat you like that! I’m glad that you are smart enough not to take that shit! Fu*kers! They will learn hard if they lose you. I hope your situation gets better, make it better, play HARDBALL with those corporate f*cks! that’ll teach them to mess with the REAL MCCOY! HUGS HUGS HUGS love you<P> xxx