Tez’s Visit, and the New Song!

Heya Guys and Gals,


In the recent week, my topic has been on re-establishing friendship ties with old mates online. This weekend though, it was about meeting up with my best mate in the world. It is very safe to say, that this guy is the closest thing to a brother that I could ever have, infact one of his fav sayings is “My Other Brother, from Another Mother”. Tez (Terry) was the drummer from my first band “Darkshot”, and from the moment that we enlisted him as our drummer, he and I became the closest of friends.


Tez was responsible for organizing all our gigs, got us signed with Pushworths (our promoters), and was systematic with us actually being “paid” for our gigs. On top of all of this, he is one hell of a pig skin slammer lol! After our second venture (The Faunicators) failed due to inability to find the right members, he and I continued to stay mates. However, when I moved to the Gold Coast again, and went off the rails, he too went through some bad times and personal pain, we drifted apart. It wasn’t till I moved to Canberra that I started thinking more about him and the fact that I was now so far away, and I guess I kind of left it there as a thought.


What I didn’t know though, was that he was scouring the net for some sort of direction as to where I was and how he could get in contact with me. He managed to find my old site that I had abandoned, and wondered why I wasn’t replying to him, I think we all know why lol, I ABANDONED IT TEZ! 😛 The point is though, that he tracked down his ex Erin, and she passed on my new details. It didn’t take long to pick up where we left off, and it seems that he had some revelations in life just like me. In other words, we both grew up a hell of a lot, plain as that. He has started a new venture (band) “The Teddybear Asassins” and I have to tell you, these guys are awesome! You can check out their stuff at http://www.myspace.com/theteddybearassassins . However, as is the time old problem, finding a front-man, or woman for that matter, is near on impossible. They auditioned, actually found a fantastic female vocalist, but let her go due to an unhealthy drug problem. So, the spot still remained empty, till now that is!


Tez, Shane, and Lee talked between them, and before even consulting me, made me the new member. The only problem for now is the distance, but in the next two years, Ani, the boys, and I are moving back to my beloved “Goldie”, and that’s when we are really going to open things up. In the meantime I will be going back into writing lyrics, and while he was down here last weekend (WOOOOOT), we uploaded the recording program so I can record over their tracks. Once I’ve done a track, I simply compress the wave file to an mpg file and email it back to him. Tez then masters the track, burns it and “Bing-Bangeda-Boom”, we have a basic track on disc! That way, we have something to listen and work on, and the fact I am two states away means little. I will be heading up to Brisbane a few times to see the girls, and while there, we’ll sit down in a recording studio and do the tracks properly.


It’s going to be a pain in the arse at times, but at least I know these guys want me that much that they are willing to wait for me to get back to Queensland. The upside is though, that we will be creating along the way and progressively moving forward.


I worked the Friday morning before he arrived, but had the Monday off and due to a public holiday on the Tuesday, didn’t have to go back to work till Wednesday J He and I had been hanging out for this trip for months, don’t forget, it’s been nearly two years since we last saw each other, so the moment I pulled up at the airport we were squeezing each others lungs out lol! We spent that afternoon at one of the sidewalk café’s in Braddon, sinking german beer and catching up on old times. Tez hadn’t been here since he was a kid, and I think he forgot just how cold it is, and that showed in his constant shivering 😛 Ani turned up with a work mate about two hours later, and she loved him! That was something I really wanted him to do, meet my angel! He told me at that point, that he now understood why there was a smile in my voice on the phone.


After that, the rest is at times somewhat of a blur lol! We polished off four cases of beer between the three of us, a bottle of over proof rum between Tez and me, and god knows how many vino’s 😛 In all of it though, we had SUCH an awesome time! Ani and I showed him our little city; we chilled, ate great food, and made plans for the band in the future. Once we had downloaded the program, I had a teaching session on how to use it, and how to compress the files to send back to him to master. I started writing while he was here, however I ditched the song once I had time on my own to wr

ite “my way”. I came up with the lyrics for our new track “Tainted”, and after going through the list of things to do, sent it to him and he loved it. Ok, I’m jumping the gun a little here, but there is one thing I honestly do want to say. I don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone says, if I say I love that man, and you think that has gay overtones, then you can kiss my ass!!!! Cause I really DO have to say that I love him! I dropped him at the airport an hour before his flight, and had to leave him because the boys were playing up something shocking! It was like this surreal moment in time, kind of like I was ripped off, but at that moment that I gave him a hug. I had to try so hard to hold the tears back. It is well known around our circle of friends, that I am a very emotional man, I let my feelings out and be seen, and shit it was hard to be a man that day!


I am going to leave this entry here, but say this; I am so excited about writing again! I hope you guys get a little insight as to where I want to go with the Assassins music, and above all, that you enjoy it! For those of you on my open diary site, the link below will take you to my front page of my Myspace page, and the track will play automatically. If you are on dial up, you may have trouble playing the song due to the fact my page there is very big, and takes a while to load. Here’s the link: http://www.myspace.com/lumccoy


I Love You Guys!

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November 10, 2007

Good luck with it all Luke is great to hear and even greater to know u will be back near your girls. I’m sure ani and the boys will love it there.

November 11, 2007


November 11, 2007

that is all absolutely wonderful, 🙂

November 11, 2007

OMG I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Before long you will have it all…Your babies and immed. family, Ani and the boys and the Gold Coast…no that’s what I’m talking about! I am so happy to hear that Ani and the boys are willing to relocate for you. I have heard wonderful things about Ani (besides what you have said) and I cannot wait to meet her! You can count on me coming to the Gold Coast in 2009/2010 FOR SURE!!! I wish I could before that, but I am establishing my new biz… Congrats mate! LUF U (VERY MUCH) XXX

November 11, 2007

OMG was it the Pancake Manor that we ate at? Or was it the Pancake Castle? Sorry, I just had another one of my fleeting Sufers flashbacks lol *thinks back to ‘Nam* I’m off now to listen to your song. Will revert back later with a full report. BTW I had such a fun time chatting with you the other night; again I realised how much I miss your groovy company, incorrect opinions and fictual facts! *falls over laughing* *hugs*

November 12, 2007

Luke can you do me a favor and send me that pic we took of me and you at the Vic Market pub? Or at least post it so I can pinch it? I tried to get it off the slide show you did but I think you did that deliberately so I couldn’t steal it lol. Pretty please! *hugs*