I can’t Even with myself…
Sometimes I dislike myself….well. a lot of times I do. I make shit choices in men and then hate being single. I feel like I am adaptable, I can handle a lot of things but Ca.l and I didn’t work out…at all. We had the wedding planning…and COVID hit…thank goodness. The church cancelled and that was a wrap…she started drinking every single day and was worthless. I wasn’t even sad. I packed up and moved to DFW with my best friend and her family. I will write about that later….
So currently I am living in Athens with a “friend”. I say friend because we are living together but I am looking for my own place. Its just not doing it for me. We are not intimate. He is older than I am. He is in a motorcycle club and is married to them. I can understand that. Those are his brothers but they also don’t cook his supper every night.
I am still working at Star.bucks. I am driving 1.5 hours to work each morning because I refuse to live in Dallas. I love it out here in East Texas…I am looking for something small around here. I interviewed for a local manager position today and it went well…. just need the money to be right and I will be good.
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