Eye of the Beholder
I’m sorry, I just don’t see where some people get off telling me that I’m such a terrible person. OR blame me for things that happened that I didn’t do. I know where my faults are, and I know what I’ve done wrong, and for some of it I apologize, and for the rest of it, I don’t. Everything that has happened up until now has lead me to be this person I am. I’ve grown into myself as best as I can, and I think that considering how most of my life has gone, I’m doing a pretty goddamned good fucking job of it. Just because I might not have a place for you in my life at this point/anymore/ever again, doesn’t mean I’m a bad person. It means nothing other than we’ve grown apart. Now to get a little more personal.
1) You say you hate the person I’ve become. I know I’ve treated you badly, but honestly, in the end, you did the same to me. You are not a saint, so your holier-than-thou attitude can burn with the rest of us in this hell we’ve all created. How many of the friends I’ve introduced you to have you hooked up with? And why do I keep hearing about you doing it again and again and again??? Or at least wanting to do it again and again and again???
2)RAPE!!!! FUCK YOU!!! My sin was not doing anything. Of just sitting there. And it tears me up inside some nights. But you accuse me of that shit!?!?! Ya, okay. If that’s what you want to think of me, and no offense, but I’m willing to bet money that you didn’t think of that all on your own, you had your ever-lovable friends to help that thought process along, but if that’s what you want to think of me, than I’m better off with you staying away and not coming near me again. Let the other guys deal with your hangdog attitude and constant need of latching on to someone stronger. As long as you keep giving yourself up to them, I’m sure they’ll always "care".
3)As far as I can see, we’ve always been good friends. So I don’t understand this need to constantly prove to me that you are better at maintaining such a strong sexual relationship with all the girls that I’ve fucked. Honestly, I don’t need to hear it. I really don’t care if you do or not, go right ahead, I’ve had my fun, and I’m sure if things were different, I could again, but you don’t have to tell me. Everytime I hear more, I just think less and less of them, and I’m the one guy that doesn’t need to think less of any of the FFLD girls I’ve slept with. I can be more than condemned enough for thinking as little as I do about them. Don’t make it worse.
4) This one is a little bit more for everyone… and just a general please…. I like thinking that most of the people I’ve known have become stronger better people. Not necessarily because of me, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say because of me. No need to back talk, or talk dirty. Personally I really don’t need to know how stupid most people are. (Eye of the Beholder, drop it.) So, if we talk about the past and people in my/our lives, just try and say something that might make me think better of them.
5)Everyone else realizes that means I only ever hear about the dumb bad shit you do that makes me think worse of you, right? Honestly, if a complete stranger were to hear the things that I do, they would wanna firebomb that fucking town just like me. The only difference is they probably would only because they don’t have the emotional attachment that I do. How’s that for irony?
And I’m spent. Be sure to leave a message at the tone and when I get back I will make sure to give you the appropriate farewell or fuck off that you deserve. Or for everyone that wasn’t a part of this little shindig, a hi, how are you and what are you doing next weekend? Until next time someone pisses me off. Peace Bitches.
Your first entry in almost a year. Makes it seem like you wanted certain people to see this.
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