Will’s myspace page with pics

It’s looking like I am going to have to have a root canal.  Couldn’t be less excited about that. I go back to the dentist a week from today. My mouth doesn’t hurt too much today. Just enough to give me a mild headache. I have no dental insurance, so my wonderful parents are paying for everything. I am blessed!

After I went to the dentist last night, Will and I met at my parents house for dinner. I bought this quiz book about how well you know your partner (guessing how they would handle certain situations, etc.). It was fun and I was impressed with how well I was able to predict Will.  

When I walked out to my car last night I saw that had put a rose on my front seat. It had a card attached, but all the card said was "I". No clue what it meant, but I am guessing it is part of how he is going to ask me to marry him?

So we all know I am horrible with posting pictures, but I think I know a way you can see Will! He has a myspace page, so if you are a member (I am not), I think you can see his photo albums and stuff. His page is http://www.myspace.com/willhanke.  My fave is the one he has of himself with his two friends Al and Prisca. He looks so cute!

My kids are on day two of great behavior. I am hoping things continue to go well.

Thanks for everybody’s supportive notes yesterday. You all are awesome!

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January 9, 2007

He is very handsome! You are one lucky lady. I can’t wait until you two get engaged!

January 9, 2007

He’s adorable! And he met John Mayer! ((The one with the Miller Light made me giggle.))

January 9, 2007

ugh. root canal. I hope that goes well! I don’t have dental insurance either so I keep putting off getting my wisdom teeth taken out. Will is very handsome! Thanks for sharing photos of him 🙂

January 9, 2007

it’s good to finally put a face with a name 🙂 he’s cute! and that is really sweet about the rose

January 9, 2007

he is very handsome! what denomination is he? I’ve never seen a future preacher with a beer in his hand lol. I think I like him! haha

January 9, 2007

my kids were good today, but I think they are teasing us lol

January 9, 2007

awww, root canal 🙁 I couldn’t see his pics because i do not have myspace but everyone else thinks he’s cute so I will trust them 🙂 And the rose, adorable!

January 10, 2007

He’s such a cutie! I can’t wait to see pics of you two together!