Valentine’s Day

Ah, the day of love. What am I doing to celebrate? Hanging out with my 19 month old mini-valentine. Will is in Iowa chaperoning a ski trip for Jr. High and Senior High kids. I am jealous. I went last year and had such a great time.  I am a horrible snow skiier (like can’t even get off of the bunny slope), but it is so fun. I tried to go down the slope right above the bunny slope last year and it took me almost an hour to get down because I kept purposefully falling anytime I felt like I was going too fast. I think the hill is supposed to take 10 minutes for a slow skiier. Ha.

My parent who ALWAYS e-mails me to complain has struck again. I can’t stand this woman. She won’t ever say anything to my face, but sends me e-mails like it’s her full time job. Looking for honest opinions of whether I am in the wrong: I am taking my students on a field trip to our state capital, Jefferson City. We are taking a train and will be gone all day (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.). I need 3 chaperones for the trip, but several more parents want to come along too. I am fine with that and have said that any parent can come. I’ve asked all interested parents to return a form indicating their interest by Wednesday of this week. I will then draw three names to be our "official" chaperones (drivers, group leaders). The cost of the trip ($40) will be covered for these three parents. Any other parent who wants to come will pay the $40 fee. The mom sent me an e-mail saying how unfair it was for me to choose only three parents to have their way paid and that I should make all parents pay the $40. The reason I am covering the cost of three parents is because I need at least three chaperones.I couldn’t take the kids on the trip if I didn’t have chaperones and I want to pay for the three selected as a courtesy. I could say that only these three parents are allowed to join us, but I am trying to be considerate to all parents who want to come. Opinions? This woman has something to say about EVERY decision I make. I so badly want to tell her how rude I think she is, but have to constantly suck it up and be kind to her. She has too much free time on her hands if she is able to sit there and analyze everything I do.

I had a job interview at the school associated with Will’s church this past week. It is a really great school. I would be so lucky to work there(not to mention the $6000 raise). I think the interview went well, but I’m not sure I am the best candidate for the positions they are hiring (mostly pre-school). The principal said they hoped to have all hiring done by the end of the month. Fingers crossed.

I took Jacob to the Magic House (a kids museum) yesterday. They have a Clifford exhibit and J is obssessed with anything "puppy". He was too scared to go up close to the dressed up Clifford, but sat on the floor and stared at him instead. It was so cute. It was fun to watch J try to interact/play with all of the little kids there. I can tell he has learned so much in daycare.

I don’t usually get too caught up in the Olympics, but I have been following the death of that luge athlete. How horribly sad. I could imagine competing in that event after knowing somebody died while on the same track I was supposed to be competing on. Scary!

Still not sure what to get Will for Valentine’s Day. I was thinking about making him chocolate covered strawberries (his favorite).

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!



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February 14, 2010

Sounds like parent is seeking out insecurities… Tyler’s class has some parents like that too… I think I’m too pushy to get too many of those e-mails. I would simply write back in a professional way that hints GET OVER IT. HA! n

February 14, 2010

Yeah Iowa! 🙂 Where is he at? I looove the Olympics, but I have a hard time watching the luge competition now. I think it is ridiculously scary that they still expect people to compete on that track! Ah. It’s so sad… As for that parent, I’d just explain to her exactly what you said here. I’m sure you’ve already told her multiple times, but just stick with it and hopefully she’ll get the point eventually. And if not, it’s not your fault that she is upset about it so try not to worry.

February 14, 2010

Thinking positive thoughts for your job interview! That woman sounds like she is insecure and has control issues. Some people just need to have their fingers in everything so they don’t feel like they’re losing control over people or lives. In my opinion, your decision is right and fair, and she is being completely ridiculous. Why in the heck would you make your chaperones PAY when they are doing a service for you??

February 14, 2010

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 14, 2010

what on earth? I think its totally normal to have chaperones come along, and the other parents to pay their way. Notice no one else has a problem with it? I am pretty opinionated and I would STILL say you are in the right and this woman is totally forward and rude?! Just keep your email replies quick and non emotional.

February 14, 2010

they say a typical luge track is 80mph but people have been soaring at 90mph on this one. They did build up that turn that he died on, but jeez, you’d think there’d just be huge foam sides stretching up 10 feet all around, right!? uck, how yuck that was.

February 14, 2010

that parent sounds terrible – i think what you’re doing makes total sense and is fair. try not to let her get to you!

February 14, 2010

You are not in the wrong at all.

February 14, 2010

RYN: Ohhhh, did we! 😉

February 14, 2010

I think I would be terrified to go down that track after someone had just DIED on it! Personally, I would have called that sport off right then and there. That parent does sound bored and like she has way too much free time. Just tell her what you told us – that you need the 3 people and everyone after that is welcome to come but not “required” for the trip.

February 15, 2010

lol.. well i’d tell the lady to shut the heck up either way she is paying 40 dollars and stop bothering me!! lol.. but i think thats harsh!

February 15, 2010

LOL I am that way skiing too! Although not only can I not get off the bunny slope but I’m also terrified of it!! I think what you are doing with the field trip is perfect. That is what we do at my school… we pay for the chaperones that we NEED and then others can come and volunteer but would need to pay their own way. As long as the names are drawn in front of the kids so they know

February 15, 2010

it was done fairly. She sounds annoying!! Choc. covered strawberries sound fantastic! 😉