Update! :)

 I have once again neglected this diary. I think about coming to write. I start entries that never get finished. I delete some of the entries that I do write because I feel like I have nothing to say. No matter what comes out today, I’ll keep it.

 It’s hard to explain how much life has changed since Gavin’s arrival. It’s not just having a new family member, but a new job too. At this time last year I was weeks away from finding out I was pregnant. I was teaching fourth grade at a different school than I am now. My marriage was pretty rocky, and Jacob was my world (so one thing hasn’t changed).

**Just as I was about to write what an easy baby Gavin is I spent the past 20 minutes alternating between the two of them screaming**

I have always had a hard time finding balance in life, and I am struggling with that again. Teaching pre-school is not hard in the traditional sense of the word, but it is hard in the sense in that it is very time consuming. I’ve been putting in at least 20 additional hours a week outside of classroom time. There is so much prep work to do. I have a full time aide, but with the behavior issues I have in my class I need her help with the students and can’t be using her to prep materials. I have some issues with my aide anyway. She was the sub for me while I was on maternity leave, and I get the feeling that she thinks she can do things better than I can. She has a tendency to try to take over the classroom, tell me how to do things, and communicate with parents about things that are not her place.  I don’t fault her for this because I know it’s a strange transition going from lead teacher to aid, but it can still be frustrating/annoying.

I have two boys in my class who misbehave more than ANY children I have ever seen. I have never sent anybody to the principal’s office in my five years of teaching. These two boys have gone three times! They are only FOUR years old! They think it’s funny and laugh when they are in his office! Seriously, I am afraid of our principal…I do not see how that are not intimidated by him. I could go on and on, but I’ll save the entertainment for another entry. 😉

I got exciting news the other day! For my long time friends you may remember a favorite student of mine from when I taught in California. His name is Matthew and he was one of my first graders. I haven’t heard from him since I left. I got an e-mail from his mom the other day. She wrote a childrens book based on his life called "why can’t I read"-about a boy who has ADHD and dyslexia. It is going to be at Barnes and Noble, Borders and other book  stores, an e-book, and an audio book. Anyway, I am in it! She wrote about his teacher Mrs. Hanke and the impact I made on his life. I cried when I found out. I think that might be the nicest compliment anyone has ever given me. It will be out in June.

Things with Will were beyond great right when I got out of treatment. We are going through a period of stress right now, but doing well for the most part. It’s just hard figuring out how to balance jobs, two kids, and our relationship. I am sure all couples go through these transitions. At least I hope so.

Gavin was chosen to play the baby Jesus at our church’s huge Christmas program. SO excited. Hoping he doesn’t scream the whole time. Gavin doesn’t cry–he screams a blood curdling high pitched scream. It’s fabulous. 😉


Ah…J’s crying for more "bunny". He thinks chocolate milk is called bunny because there is a bunny on the front of the nesquick bottle.

He also thinks school is called home because we spend too much time there(he goes to school there, Will is a pastor there, and I teach there). Every night when he goes to be he asks if he can go home in the morning. Silly boy!



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November 20, 2010

that IS a fabulous compliment. WOW. :). glad to hear things are going so well for you. i agree that balance is SO SO hard, and i don’t have kids yet!

November 20, 2010

What an amazing honor!

November 21, 2010

Aww.. That’s an a amazing compliment. You must be quite the amazing teacher.

November 21, 2010

*hug* Wow… that’s so cool. I’ll keep my eye out for it at work when it rolls around 🙂 I’m glad the little ones are doing well.

November 22, 2010

Wow, that is AWESOME about the book and how touching! You have definitely been used to be a blessing to other people. Amen. 🙂 I love the cute things kids say.

November 22, 2010

Wow, that is an incredible compliment! The ups & downs in marriage are normal, and that’s without having kids! I’m sure having two boys so close in age magnifies things that much more.