Up and Down

Christmas break started this afternoon. Although I am eager for the break from school, I worry what I will do without the structure that having a full time job provides. I do so so much better with my health when I have structure in my life. Plus, with ALL of the chaos in my life right now, I feel like work is the one place where I know what I’m doing.

This week has actually been pretty terrible on the school front. While I was on my lunch break Monday, a girl in my class fell down the stairs. I didn’t see the incident, and my aid took her straight to the nurse. The nurse said she was fine and just needed ice. I showed my boss who confirmed that we should put ice on the girl and let her mom know what happened. Given that the school nurse wasn’t concerned, I figured it was a minor enough incident that I could just e-mail the mom instead of call her. BIG mistake. As soon as the mom picked her up from school she freaked out. She ended up taking the girl to the ER to be checked for a concussion and/or broken nose. She ended up being fine–although admittedly, she looked pretty beat up. The mom called me, absolutely livid that I had not made contact with her( between her, my boss, my aid, the school secretary, and the school nurse I was on the phone for over two hours). She also called my boss, who disappointingly threw me under the bus by telling the mom that she hadn’t seen the incident or results of injury. When my boss called me she insinuated that this situation was my fault, and of course I took full blame even though a) I was on break when the accident happened b) I was not the one who took the girl to see the nurse so I only got the report of "she’s fine", and c) I’m not the school nurse, so informing the parent really shouldn’t fall on me. I baked the family cookies and wrote them an apology note. I hate, hate conflict. I could tell the mom was still irritated today, but am hoping she will be over it by the time we return to school.

The twins (who’s mother has had issues with me all school year) are transferring to the class next door after Christmas break. This should not be allowed to happen as their is NO valid reason for them switching. This now takes me from six girls in my class down to 4 (I have eleven boys). The girls mom was not supposed to say anything about the transfer at our class party today, but of course she decided to make the announcement. One of the other parents (who has a daughter) got very upset because this will upset our boy/girl ratio even more. I told her to talk to my boss. I didn’t say this, but my feelings are too hurt by the whole thing to give a fair perspective. I know there will be talk among parents when school starts up again. Awesome.

These two situations make my class sound awful which in reality is not the case at all. They are a wild class of mostly boys, but I really enjoy most of the kiddos and their parents. 🙂

I have to take my Gestational Diabetes test on Friday. I was supposed to take it last week. The office had given me the glucose to drink in advance. I drank it on my way to the office, but when I got there found a sign on the door that they were closed due to a computer shutdown.  Really? I left school early and drank liquid poptarts for nothing?! At least I actually enjoy the flavor, but still, my eating disorder was not happy.

Has anyone ever made or tried Oreo Balls? Oh my gosh. They are SO good, and so easy. We made tons of them this year to give out as gifts.

I can’t believe Christmas is in less than a week. J is really excited about Santa coming. This is the first year where he actually gets it.

Baby girl will be here in 10.5 weeks. I’ve been concerned because she hasn’t been an especially active baby, but lately her movements are very distinct (almost to the point of being painful). I am pretty sure she is still breach because I feel most of her movements very low, and it constantly feels like she is dancing on my bladder. I can’t wait to meet her!! I have another ultrasound on Friday.

Still no word on where(if) we will be moving. I just try not to think about it. Living in denial is not so much working….


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December 21, 2011

That’s so sad about that girl – I’m sorry to hear that you got thrown under the bus :

December 22, 2011

yea, sounds like the nurse should have contacted the parent, not you. ugh!! I would not have taken the blame, but thats just my personality! my baby is so super active its very hard to even sleep at night. there are so many movements that take my breath away! she is more active than I remember haley being.. and much stronger or bigger or something! 10 weeks till we’re done yey!

December 22, 2011

ryn: she is 3’5 I think, so she is either 41 or 42″ tall, and about 42lbs.

December 22, 2011

Wow, I’m so sorry about that incident at school. Yikes. I hope things smooth over soon. I hate conflict too. HATE it!

December 26, 2011

RE: Thank you. I’m glad you liked my pictures.

January 1, 2012

Sigh. What an awful day. I am sorry about the crappy situations going on 🙁 What are oreo balls? Do tell!