Three months!


I have ridiculous amounts of school work to do, and yet here I am on facebook. Funny how when I have free time I can’t think of anything to write, but when I have other things I should be doing, I could write all day.

Jacob will be here in three months! How crazy is that?! I can’t even imagine what it will be like when he is actually out in the real world. I am obviously quite pregnant, but at times (all the time actually) it is still hard to imagine that there’s a little person in there. I wonder what he looks like. Does he have lots of hair? Does he look like Will? Me?

I am now seeing three eating disorder specialists a week. At this point I am overwhelmed by the whole thing. I knew I wanted treatment, but I guess I didn’t realize how intense it would become. It started out with just the nutritionist, but then she wanted to set me up with the other two therapists she works with. The intensity is increased because of the pregnancy, but I can’t imagine it lessening any once he is here (unless of course I have made lots of progress-please, please, please). So far I’ve noticed no major improvement, but I know it’s a process. How amazing it will be if someday I am just able to eat like a normal person with no fear of weight gain, or the urge to throw up what I’ve eaten. I can’t ever remember living life like that.

Will made me a "Jacob List" for my ipod. I didn’t even notice it until the other day when I was flipping through my playlists. I love when he does cute things like that! I am currently obssessed with one of the songs: "Still Fighting It" by Ben Folds. It’s a song written for a son, and I don’t know what it is about it, but it seems to me like a song Will will play for Jacob someday. I listen to it over and over again, and most the time I cry! I am also re-obssessed with the song "Comfortable" by John Mayer. I forgot how much I love that song. It reminds me of one of my ex-boyfriends, but I can’t remember which one. Isn’t that wierd? Everytime I listen to the song I can remember exactly how I felt listening to the song the first time through, but I can’t remember who I was with!

I registered at Babies R Us last week. One of my students parents took me. I didn’t realize how clueless I was about baby stuff until I started looking around the store.

Will and I are going house/condo shopping tomorrow. We’ve decided it just isn’t practical to stay in our one bedroom apt after the baby gets here. Since we are planning to buy, not rent, it looks like we will be here for at least a few more years. I am sure you all know how I feel about this(sorry Jen-I know you love it here! 🙂 ).  I have to admit California is not nearly as bad as it used to be for me. I am just desperate to move closer to family.

I got to visit my best friend in Wisconsin last weekend!! I thought her boyfriend was going to propose (I think she thought so too–esp. when I showed up out of nowhere), but it didn’t happen. He had been telling her he had a surprise for her all week. I felt bad because I could tell she was shocked that the surprise was me, and not a ring.

Alright…back to work (after I catch up on a few faves!)

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April 11, 2008

everybody knows… it hurts to grow up….

April 11, 2008

Wow it’s going so fast! Well done on all the ED therapy, I know it can be tough but you’re doing really great. xxxxxxxxx

April 11, 2008

aww, I bet she was disappointed 🙁 Everyone loves to see their best friend, but when you think you’re getting engaged, anything other than that is kind of a downer, lol. I can’t believe he’ll be here in the 3 months either. It feels like just yesterday you were questioning whether you were pregnant or not!

April 11, 2008

ryn: does the school you teach at have state testing or is it a privates school. The private school I’m going to still takes the Standardized Achievement Tests every year, but it’s not quite as obsessive and crazy as the Mississippi Curriculum Test that could essentially get you fired if your students do poorly

April 11, 2008

Keep at the therapy, it’ll be good for you. I’ve never heard that song, I’ll have to download it. 🙂

April 11, 2008

Still Fighting it is one of my favorite songs, too! We used it in our senior slideshow… Ben Folds is one of the reasons my hubby and I met… You should check out his other stuff (the older, solo material) it is pretty awesome. n

April 12, 2008

3 months is hardly any time at all!!! That is incredibly exciting! 🙂 Enjoy the last three months because they will go by quickly, I’m sure!

April 12, 2008

Aww.. You’re almost there. It seems like forever ago I was like 25 weeks pregnant.. haha that was christmas. It gets so much better.

April 12, 2008

Is one of the songs on the Jacob playlist “Arms Wide Open” by Creed? Because it most definitely should be!

April 14, 2008


I am glad you’re getting help for your ED. You’re doing great 🙂

April 22, 2008

Those three months will most likely fly by. Congrats on everything 🙂 And good luck with the therapy.

May 1, 2008

hi im soo driving myself crazy wanting to be pregnant.. lol i cant believe you’re so far along already my how time flies 🙂 we need to catch up u and i 🙂 hope all is well 🙂 *HUG*