Thirty One!


I’m beginning to think I should close out this diary to begin a new one.

When I read past entries it’s as if I am reading the life of someone else. Sometimes I wish I still lived that girl’s life. She seems so blissfully unaware of what real, adult life can be like. That girl is always on the go, full of anticipation, and hopeful that good things lie ahead for her. She trusts everyone. The post college girl, new in her career and fresh off a called off engagement finds herself  foolishly searching for answers in so many of the wrong places, but admittedly having fun along the way. Teaching is what pays her bills, but is not her passion. It is something she plans to do until she meets "the one". The girl has conflicting feelings about her best friend whom she calls Shane in her diary. That girl has no idea that her true love(s) will turn into Will, and then soon after, Jacob, Gavin, and Abby. Her actual life will look very little like the life she envisioned, and she will be (for the most part) quite okay with that.

I turned 31 yesterday. How did that happen? Wasn’t it just yesterday I was watching "A Wedding Story" with my college roommates in between classes?

I was shopping today for a dress for Abby’s baptism(tomorrow). I started out in the Junior’s section. It took a few minutes before I recognized how ridiculous it was for me to be looking for clothing in a section that teenage girls should be wearing. I don’t often check out the woman’s section, but was pleasantly surprised by the selection. It took me to find something because I am SO self conscious, but I did, and I even got cute shoes to go with it!

So things have settled down with everything at work. The end was awful, to say the least. The parents in my class were livid that I was let go due to "low enrollment". Everyone knew there had to be more to the story and that the school was not being truthful. The only reason I was not allowed to finish out the school year is because I called them out on their lies. As sad as I am that I was not able to finish out the year, I am incredibly proud of myself that I left with my integrity. The school had a large fallout due to what happened. One parent in my class even pulled their child out for the remainder of the year and demanded two weeks worth of tuition back saying they were told I would be their child’s teacher for the year, and if the school was not allowing me to carry that out, then they would not be sending their child. My class threw me an end of the year party (outside of school) so that I got to say goodbye to all of my students. It was all very sweet and heartbreaking all at the same time.

When I went to collect my things from school, my boss gave me a big hug. I was a little resistant to the first hug. As I was leaving, I gave her a gift card to starbucks and a thankyou card for everything she had taught me. Inspite of how the situation was handled, she had been a good boss until church politics got in the way a few months ago, and I wanted to leave with my held high. I want to be able to look back on the situation and know that I handled myself with class. As she hugged me again she got emotional and told me how much she cared about me, would be praying for me, etc. I have to believe letting me go was not her call. There would be no reason for her to get rid of me. Will and I think that as soon as it was decided Will would be moving on from the church side of things they decided I would need to move on to. It sucks, and there has been some enormous emotional pain, but we are getting through it.

So far I have an 18 day maternity sub job lined up for the start of the school year. It’s a fifth grade position, so I’m not jumping up and down over it, but it’s a teaching job none the less.

We just got back from a mini vacation to Branson. It was our first real(not to visit relatives) family vacation. We had so much fun. I know all parents think this, but our kids are HI.larious. We also got to go to the outlets. I got a Coach purse for my birthday!! It was $430 marked down to $128. Woohoo!

Alright…I should go be productive (i.e sleep or pinterest 😉 )


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June 10, 2012

I think all the time of how long ago some stuff seems in my life! Makes me sad sometimes but then I’m happy where I am too 🙂 Sorry your school year ended so crappy but I’m so glad to hear your parents and kids stuck by you and you even got to have a party to say goodbye to them. Vacation sounds fun! RYN: thanks for all the tips! I just found out on Friday my hospital supplies prettymuch nothing…I have to bring my own pads and diapers and wipes! lol So not all hospitals supply those things. I like the popsicle tip, good to know I can have that! Also to make sure I keep track of Quinn’s things that I bring so they don’t disappear!

June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012

I’m really glad you left with your integrity – I think that’s the best way to go about it.

June 11, 2012

I saw the pictures you were tagged in on FB. 1) Where DID that dress come from because it is cute! I have one just like it in kelly green from the Limited. 2) Your baby is just… perfect. 3) lady, you look great!

June 12, 2012

I saw on Facebook that will got a job too do that’s awesome! And I still find myself shopping in juniors sectiOn too, then complaining when everything is so short. lol

June 12, 2012

ryn: thanks for your note and for reading me 🙂 I’ll add you to favs x Not sure how things are gonna go. I’ll write a bit later when I’m feeling a bit better xx

June 24, 2012

Ryn: thanks for your note hun. I dont understand it either. I think maybe he’s scared that if we’re back together everyone will know about it and then be angry with him if it doesnt work out…. I really dont know but I’m super frustrated! I’ll do a summary entry for you so u can everyone else can see how this all came about! x

June 30, 2012

You cannot delete this diary. Its memories that you can’t delete.. Yeah in the beginning you were different, but that’s why we keep these to document our lives and to look back.. Your pregnancies, marriage and life is here.. Pls don’t delete this..

July 7, 2012

Sounds quite emotional… but I am glad that you did what you felt was best, and that was sweet of that parent to stand up for you so strongly! And yeah, it is SCARY how fast time goes. I thought I was 17 like.. yesterday and now I am 32, almost 33. It’s like, whoa, wait, slow down!!!!

July 12, 2012

ryn: you make a very good point! thank you hun xx

July 17, 2012

ryn: thanks for you note and the reassurance hun xx

July 31, 2012

ryn: nope – it’s a two year program, so 3-4 year olds in a group and then 4-5 year olds in a group. Ruby is as young as they take them. I’m mostly sad that I’m quite certain that it boiled down to us moving which lead them to put her on the wait list.

August 1, 2012

RE: MY pastor is one of the funniest people I have ever met, LOL. He does something to crack us up every single week!

August 9, 2012

RE: LOL. It makes it more like an exciting book, doesn’t it? Heehee. Hey, at least you don’t have to wait like half a year for part 2 to come out like we do with movies and stuff. LOL. I posted the second half. Hope you enjoy!

August 11, 2012

🙂 I am so thrilled that you are enjoying my stories. It means a lot to me that you still read.