The rest of Abby’s birth story…

*Ugh….Jacob came home from school with a fever of 103 yesterday. He still has it today. Lethargy and the fever are his only symptoms. I am hoping and praying Abby doesn’t get it, but there are only so many ways I can keep them separated when Will is at work. J wants me constantly, and so does Abby. I’m just hoping the antibodies from my breast milk keep her healthy. I am still in love with my sweet baby girl, but, being a mom of three under the age of four is not easy.

Abby’s Story…..

I was feeling really optimistic after the nurse checked me and told me her head was so low. The nurse told me she thought the baby would be delivered by 9:00 at the latest. I was slowly embracing the idea that she would have a leap day birthday, but was secretly hoping she would hold out until after midnight.

The next few hours were frustratingly uneventful. I had this fear they were going to send me home since I didn’t seem to be progressing past 5 cm. Everytime the nurse came in the room I made them promise me they weren’t going to send me home. They assured me that since this was my third delivery and once it picked up it would probably go quickly they wouldn’t send me home. 

My sister Emily and Will were with me all day and through the delivery. We watched I don’t even know how many episodes of "How I Met Your Mother", but from 1:30 p.m until about 11:30 p.m. My dad and Jacob came to the hospital around 7:00 so that J could see me. Gavin stayed home with my mom. They didn’t stay long as my contractions were getting more painful, but it was so good to see J and tell him that the next time I saw him I would have his baby sister.

My Ob told the nurses that if my water hadn’t broken by 10 p.m., than they should break it. Around 8ish they offered me the epidural. I really didn’t feel like I needed it at that point, but the anesthesiologist was going to be doing a c-section and was afraid if she didn’t give it to me then, she might not be able to get back in time. I was not about to give birth without the epidural, so I took it when I could (slightly disappointed because I wanted to "feel" more of the labor).

Right after I got the epidural something crazy and annoying happened. One of Will’s friends from Bible Study who I have NEVER met came into our room. It was extremely awkward because I had no idea why he was there. Who does that? Who comes in the room when a woman they’ve never met is giving birth?! I made conversation with him for about ten minutes….waiting for Will to get rid of him. During that time he told me how his wife almost died unexpectedly when she was in labor and then had to spend six months in the hospital. Just the kind of thing a woman giving birth wants to hear. So I expected Will to say good-bye to him, but instead Will told me "Okay…well we’ll be back in a little bit–we’re going to go get coffee and talk in the cafeteria".  Oh, I was so mad at Will. He ended up being gone when they broke my water for me. I contemplated texting him to tell him that he missed the delivery, but my nurse talked me out of it and helped me t laugh at the situation. I texted him "Your wife is in labor….come back". When he got back he told me that he felt awkward too, but insisted it was not weird that his friend had shown up. Ummm….okay. Agree to disagree.

As soon as my water broke I went from 5cm to 7cm and the doctor assured me that the baby would be here SOON. Within a half hour(10:45ish) I started feeling intense pressure and the need to push. My nurse (although very nice) had only been an L&D nurse for four months and had seemed a little unsure of herself throughout most of the process. I was very worried she wasn’t going to call my ob in time. I really think she waited until the last possible minute, because I was definitely uncomfortably ready to push her out for at least 45 minutes before he got there. I was texting my friends to distract myself.

I’m not sure what time my OB arrived, but it all went very quickly. I believe it was six pushes and she was out at 12:57 a.m. The only part I really felt was her little shoulders being pushed out. I did tear, and I’m thinking that must have been when it happened.

As they put her on my chest I could see instantly that she resembled Jacob. I was a little worried because she wasn’t crying, but nobody else seemed to be. I watched them take care of all of the newborn stuff while my doctor stitched me up. It was very surreal… didn’t feel real that I had a baby GIRL.

Even though I swore up and down that I wouldn’t pick a name for her until she was officially out, once I was in the pushing stage, she was already Abby. The name fits her perfectly. I know I’m biased, but she IS perfect. I feel very blessed!


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March 8, 2012

Ha yeah I would have been upset if some guy I didn’t know showed up to a birth… who does that?? Glad he left before the actual birth 🙂 I love the name Abby and she really is so precious! Enjoy your time with the little ones – I’m sure you’re tired and busy but loving it!!

March 8, 2012

What? Who does that? I’ve never even gone to my own friends’ rooms while they are laboring, much less someone I’ve never met. I had visitors- but I honestly don’t remember who, as I slept after I got the epidural. I’m so glad her birth went so well!! Only six pushes is awesome! Her name is beautiful 🙂 Hoping your tear heals quickly, and that your sweet boy does too. Kristen

March 8, 2012

Wow, I’d be so annoyed if that happened to me! It definitely seems strange to show up to someone’s room when they’re in labor, especially if you’ve never met and were uninvited! I would have ben so rude and kicked him out!

March 8, 2012

Who does that?! LoL wow how did you NOT kick his and Will’s butt?! Aww I’m glad she was an easy delivery! And she does resemble Jacob!! I seen that immediately!! She’s beautiful! <3 her name!

March 9, 2012

YAYYY! Congrats. n

March 10, 2012

aww congrats! what a great birth story 🙂 Um definitely weird that some guy you don’t know came into the room, that’s a little personal for a stranger to be part of! Ohh I totally would have texted that he missed the birth lol I love the name Abby and she is gorgeous!!

March 11, 2012

I’d have been totally weirded out. Lol

March 11, 2012

Congratulations! What a beautiful name for what I’m sure is a beautiful baby! What a blessing! And that story is totally cray cray. People are so bizarre.

March 13, 2012

ryn: you TOTALLY should consider cloth! let me know if you want more info – i’d be happy to chat with you about it sometime 😀

March 19, 2012

RYN: I have seen that cake idea and think it’s cute! I just didn’t know if it would work since we’re finding out that day, in different towns all day and then going to my parents for dinner. I didn’t think we’d really have time to get a cake baked that day and I KNOW my Mom will not wait for another day….well who am I kidding, I won’t be able to keep it a surprise that long either lol

March 20, 2012

Maybe it’s just possible that he is one of those guys that wants to show support in a round-about way to his friend but is kind of clueless on how to do it or proper etiquette. Maybe since his wife almost died in labor, deep down he has some tender feelings about the childbirth process and just wanted to stop by to support Will? He probably thought he was being a good friend and just didn’t reallythink it through. I don’t know. I’m not trying to discount your feelings at all. Just saying that since he almost lost his wife – maybe it’s a tender subject for him (even if he doesn’t show it) and maybe he was just trying to be a supportive friend in the only way he knew how. I mean, for a random example, if I had almost lost my husband during a kidney operation, and then I had a good friend who had a husband going through a kidney operation – it would probably get me really emotional and so I’d probably come to the hospital just to show some support to them without thinking how they would feel about it. Not saying it’s the “best” thing to do. Just saying that maybe it just struck a nerve with him and he didn’t think about how you would feel. *HUGS* Congrats to your gorgeous baby!

March 20, 2012

That kind of made me laugh that you were texting during labor. LOL. This world has definitely changed, haha. It just sounds funny. “My friend was texting her friends while she was pushing her baby out.” LOL! I’m so glad that you have your precious Abby. That really struck me emotionally, because I was thinking of how amazing it would be to have a baby with the man that I love … I can’t think about that too much though or I’ll start crying. I don’t want to have a pity party all day. 😛 I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you my dear friend.

March 23, 2012

RYN: thanks! that’s good to know. I should probably pick up some more newborn clothes because I hardly have any of those..I wasn’t sure how many to buy or if baby would fit in them but it seems almost everyone’s baby fits in newborn clothes! Someone else mentioned you get a lot of bigger clothes at showers which I do agree with because I’ve seen that happen so I’m glad I’ve got some of my own small stuff! I am appreciative of the clothes that people want to get me but don’t tell me not to buy anything!!! right? lol what mother doesn’t want to buy cute clothes for her own kid?! I hope you’re doing well with your 3 kiddos 🙂

March 23, 2012

ohh and I wonder who Quinn will look like too! Collin and I were both dark haired, dark eyed babies/kids (well we still are dark haired/eyes LOL) so I’m guessing he’ll look like that!! But I wonder whose features he’ll have 🙂 who does Abby look like? Or is it hard to tell at first?

March 25, 2012

ryn: I’m on modified.. Until 39 weeks (I thought 38.. But my form says 39) because they want me to make it to my scheduled c-section date. Which means I have another month of it. :/ not fun!