The Luckiest

Woah..I actually have a title. I stole it from the name of a Bens Fold song.

Will and I had a really great time together last night. I went to his intramural football game, and then we got dinner at the foodcourt in the mall. After that we went back to his place and watched episodes of Boston Legal(he is trying to turn me into a fan). We had good talks as usual(more about issues we had been struggling with, which seem to be taken care of now). We agree that things are definitely moving in a serious direction, and although scary–it’s exciting too. The way he kisses me….wow. I could write an entry just about that! Don’t worry I’ll spare you all the details!

This morning he led chapel for my school. It was SO awesome to have him at school with me while I was doing my teacher thing, and he was here doing his pastor thing. Also, we don’t usually see eachother until evening time, but it was great to get to see him first thing when I got to school. All of my teacher friends loved him (was there ever any doubt?! ).

So it’s Wednesday, but it’s only a four day week, so I am pretending it’s Thursday. That seems much more manageable.

I got up way too early to work out today, but at least I got it out of the way. I am getting my hair cut and highlighted after school!! Yay!

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October 18, 2006

I am so disappointed it’s only Wednesday. I want the weekend! Also, why are you sparing the details?! I want them!

October 18, 2006

Yes I agree with the above noter. Tell those kissing details! That’s the best part. :):)

October 18, 2006

So sweet! Have fun getting your hair done this afternoon!

October 18, 2006

I want a picture dang it! And today is my last day of classes for the week. Yay fall break! ((I’m counting down, I have 3 hours and 25 minutes until I am OUT of here!))

October 18, 2006

I’d love to see pictures of the haircut & highlights 🙂

October 18, 2006

Yay for boyfriends and kisses 🙂 That’s awesome that you got to see Will during the day when you were both doing your thing 🙂 I’m so glad things are going so well for you!