Sunday ramblings

Sometimes I have no idea how I make it as a preschool teacher while being as uncreative/unartistic as I am. Thank goodness for the internet-SO many great ideas/resources.

I just spent the last two hours transforming a refrigerator box into a Gingerbread house for my students to play in. It’s actually pretty cute! Whenever the things I make turn out terribly I just pretend the kiddos made them. Sad that sometimes my work can pass for a 4/5 year old.

We heard from another church. This one is located near San Diego. I never envisioned us heading back to California, but the thought of going to a state we’ve lived in before (even though it’s not anywhere near to where we actually lived) is comforting. There have definitely been times when I’ve been nostalgic for life in California, but life would be so so different now. Will and I were newlyweds when we lived there. We were free to do whatever whenever(even when J was born—toting around a newborn seemed easy). We both worked and had money to spend on baiscally any and everything fun. With three kids it won’t be quite the same. I’ve heard Northern California is very different from Southern California. As with the other churches, it is still very early in the process. They may not even end up wanting us.

In response to Jen, I will definitely be staying in St. Louis through the remainder of the school year. If not for the baby we would all move together, but it seems too complicated to move right befor delivery (which at the rate things are going, I can’t see us finding a church and moving until rightup (if not after) to delivery. The boys and I will live with my parents as soon as Will leaves. That way we can be all moved out of our house and have it up for sale. Living with my parents while trying to take care of 3 young kids will not be ideal (my mom and I do great when we don’t spend too much time together), but their help will be invaluable. When/if we do end up living with them, please remind me to be thankful.

I still don’t want to move at.all. Hopefully once we have a better idea of where we will be going I will be able to embrace it a little bit more. I hate the unknown and feeling like I have no control over the situation.

Baby girl seems to be doing well. Even though I am definitely showing now, there are many times where I forget I am even pregnant. Sometimes I’ll catch a reflection of myself and think "Wow! You are seriously having a baby in three months!!". We hung out with my friend and her newborn the other day. Gavin was so so jealous anytime I tried to pick up the other baby. Should be interesting when his little sister gets here–esp. if he is already dealing with his daddy being far away.

Alright….trying to motivate myself to work out……

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November 28, 2011

If you HAVE to move, California would definitely be nice! I’ve always been fascinated with California and would love to be able to live/visit there (I know I will never live there, so maybe a visit lol) I hope everything works out and it’s not too stressfull for you guys.

November 28, 2011

omg my mind would be going a mile a minute trying to picture my life in now a 3rd location!! you are so strong! I am glad you are for sure staying in STL until the baby comes! did you finalize a name yet? having any discomforts?

November 28, 2011

I hope you guys get it worked out with as little stress as possible! have I mentioned how much I LOVE St Louis?! So much good food!

November 29, 2011
December 3, 2011

Every time I hear “St. Louis” I always think of Sanford & Son, LOL. Fred Sanford talked about St. Louis a lot. 😉 Iam glad you are feeling so good during this pregnancy. That’s a blessing! You’re going to have quite a big family!

December 4, 2011

Ryn. March 3rd! We are close! Three months will probably fly by. We always seem to move right at the end or mid pregnancy. No. Fun. I hope everything works out for you all…. its hard not to really have even a faint idea of what your future living situation will be!

December 7, 2011

Re: holly and I get along fine. She’s good to Charlotte do that’s really all I’m concerned with.