Stolen/too much free time…

Can you execute an acceptable cartwheel? Nope. I’ve actually never been able to do one. Sad.
Were you happy when you woke up this morning? I was panicked than happy. I overslept.
Have you ever streaked? Only from the upper half up. Alcohol was involved. I was on a camping trip with two guy friends. We were outside and it was pitch dark. I am way too self conscious to do this sober.
Do you eat candy on a daily basis? Ugh…it’s true….sometimes hourly
Who was the last person you ate with? Jacob.
Do raisins belong in cookies? Oh sure.
Walking into a party, what’s the first thing you notice? The people.
Kiss on the first date? If I liked the guy a lot, then yes. Probably should have waited more often than not.
Would you ever donate blood? I like giving blood. Free cookies.
Have you ever felt replaced? Ugh….yes. Horrible feeling.
Are there deer heads covering any walls in your house? Haha…no.
Do you believe in karma? Sure, but I don’t know if I call in Karma.
Have you ever driven without a license? I do this ALL of the time. I shouldn’t. I snuck my parents car out ALL of the time before I turned 16. What was I thinking??
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? Yes. My best friend from birth through age 18 was a boy.EVERYone thought we would end up married. A few years after our friendship cooled he came out of the closet. Needless to say, we didn’t get married.
Do you wear your seat belt? Not all the time. Oops.
Do you write in cursive or print? Always print. Such a double standard since I make my students write in cursive.
Who was the last person you sat next to? Jacob. He is sitting next to me "reading".
What were you doing at 10am? Saying bad words in my head because the music teacher didn’t show up for the 3rd time in a row and I missed out on my planning period.
What makes you lose your self esteem? Rejection, weight gain, loneliness.
Can you take your shots? Sure.
Do you kiss with your eyes opened or closed? Closed…unless I am trying to see what Will is doing.
What’s better: April 20th or November 11th? Um… November–I love fall.
Do guys usually like you for your looks or personality? I’m not sure. I’d hope a mix of both, but in reality my personality is better than my looks(when I am not nervous).
Do you live in Michigan? Nope.
When was the last time you colored something with a marker? Almost every day….
Do you carry a purse? Nope. I carry a bag of some type at almost all times, but rarely a purse.
What shoes did you wear today? My black heels with the little bows on them.
Are your toe nails painted pink? Nope, they have left over gray chips on them.
Does anyone hate you? Hmmm…hate? Don’t know. Dislike, most likely..
Are you one of those people who are always cold? Yes! I drive with the heater on in the summer.
What is the most exciting place you have been to this year? The bedroom 😉 Ha. I wish.
If someone is doing something that pisses you off, do you tell them? Sometimes. More so lately. Hello hormonal pregnant lady. It depends how comfortable I am with them
What’s the most emotionally scarring thing you’ve had to go through? My eating disorder..still trying to figure out what emotionally scarring thing led to that.
What’s your opinion on evolution? Creation all the way.
Who do you talk to when you’re sad? Open diary, Will….I tend to keep my sadness inside.
Do you think it’s important to get a college education? Yes, but I also don’t think it’s the best choice for everyone.
Do you think our society is too obsessed with looks? Yes.
Does your mom where a moo moo? Ha. No. That’s a great visual though.
Do you like chocolate? YES.
Are your nails long? Nope.
Do you pay attention to what you eat? Obsessively.
Do you like Greek mythology? Boring. Boring. Boring.
How old were you when you got your first piercing? 7 or 8?
Do you like seafood? Usually–not at all when pregnant.
When you are completely stressed, what do you do to chill out? Sleep…write a diary entry, drive and listen to music.
Do you like dreadlocks? Some people can pull off the look.
Have you ever had to call the cops before? No. 
Have you ever gone horseback riding before? Yes. My horse was out of control and wouldn’t stay on the path. I accidently drank a cup full of seal life that my dad and I had collected from a pond afterwards. It was not a good day.
Can you play the piano? I took lessons for a few years. Don’t remember a thing.
Do you own a lighter? Nope. I can’t work them anyway! My thumb doesn’t flick fast enough.
Do you lock your doors when you’re driving? Depends on where I am.
Do you like bright colored eyeshadow? Not on me.I actually can’t pull off the eyeshadow look at all. I don’t get how some women look so great wearing it.
Do you Febreeze your room? I Febreeze a lot of stuff!
What did you do on your first date? Do school dances count? Otherwise I am sure it was some group date/hang out and I sat there giggling and/or sweating.
Do you have a box of old pictures? I threw out a lot of my pics. I wish I hadn’t.
Where is one place in the world you want to go? France. Any beach.
Whose party was the last one you went to? Our New Year’s party.
Do you have any birthmarks? I have a really light one on my knee–people always comment on my "bruise". I never correct them.
Are you wasting your time with the person you like right now? No.
Do you remember the exact words that were said to end your last relationship? It wasn’t a conversation…more of a fade out. I blocked out the final conversation.
Would you rather be known for excellence in academics or athletics? Academics.
Do you like long car rides or do they bore you? Lov

e them. I am the worst co-pilot. I fall asleep 5 minutes in.
Do you think you’ll have the same significant other a year from now? Yes.
Were you single on Valentine’s Day? Nope.
How’s your hair looking? Ugh..I need highlights.
Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around? Will, my sisters, bff Lisa.
Would you rather your partner have gorgeous eyes or a gorgeous smile? Smile, hands down. I am a teeth person.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Yeah. I didn’t know how to handle relationships very well. I have LOTS of regrets.
Do you think relationships are hard? Yes.
What did you do for the 4th of July this past year? I can’t remember. Must’ve been exciting.
Who was last to smack your butt? Will….he does it all of the time. The other day he was trying to be funny and posted a note on our magnetic fridge Things to Do list "Spank your own butt, I’m tired of doing it".
Without naming any names, say something to somebody: I miss you and I wish I could take back so many of the things I did/ways that I hurt you.
Have you ever been called heartless? Not to my face.
What’s your favorite piercing? Upper ear.
Who was your first love? Jeremy. Was that even love? Not sure.
Are they going to be your last? Ha. We all know how that ended.
Would you take your ex back? I have tremendous love for Shane, but things ended for a reason.
What color are your eyes? Brown.
Who do you tell your secrets to? Too many people. I have no self control.
What was the last pill that you took? Prenatal.


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February 18, 2010

How can the music teacher just not show up?? Isn’t your planning time written into your contract?? That doesn’t seem fair at all!

February 18, 2010

Haha my mom once said “Relationships are hard” when she was drugged up after surgery and didn’t know what she was saying – but oh how true it is.

February 19, 2010

ha, I remember jeremy! Oh lordy, your prenatals. Sometimes I forget you are even pregnant! With J, you used to write about it EVERY entry, now its only breifly talked about. How different a 2nd pregnancy is. Hopefully that means its coasting by!

February 19, 2010

It’s her last name! Her first name is Amanda. I call her Amanda too… but in my diary referring to her as Jetter is much more rememorable. i think im like the only person who calls her that…lol.