

I seriously lost it today. I was (am) so angry. I am SO sick of volunteering my time and energy to do things, and then getting crapped on.

I organized the Spelling Bee for my school this year. I put lots of time into getting the word list together, creating/laminating certificates and ribbons for each participation, securing judges and a caller, the list goes on…. That is all beside the point. I don’t mind doing these things, as they benefit the school and kids.

So anyway, the Spelling Bee is going on today. One of my fourth graders gets out on the word "libraries". The Bee continues several more rounds. Then his mom stands up and says " I have a comment. This Bee is so poorly planned. You are giving easier words now than you did in the beginning". I explain to her politely that we are using the standard spelling list. We also included a list of 2nd and 3rd grade spelling words that the kids have used/learned during the school year. I watch her spend the rest of the Bee texting someone, talking to my fourth graders about the "unfairness", and even talking to another teacher. Whatever.

After the Bee is over she comes up to me to tell me how poorly planned the Bee was. I immediately became defensive, because it was not poorly planned. This was my first time ever planning a Spelling Bee and I did a lot of work to make it successful. She may not have agreed with how it was run, but it was not poorly planned. We went back and forth for a minute or two and then she said (very spitefully) "and I have a real problem with StuCo, but I’ll talk to you about that later!". She turned around and stormed out of our gym.

I am an emotional person and this took me over the top. StuCo is my baby. I have poured enormous amounts of time(volunteered!) and energy into making it successful. This is an extra that I do. I am not given a stipend or any extra income for doing it. We have done TONS this year, and it my opinion made the school a better place.

So anyway, back to the situation. After she left the gym I turned to the teacher next to me and told them I needed a minute and to please watch my kids. I went straight to our interim principal because I wanted him to be aware of the situation. I felt bad about the way I had reacted. Yes, she was rude to me, but as the professional I should have maintained composure.

I walked towards his office where the two of them were meeting. They had not shut the door, so I felt okay entering. I told them that I wanted to be a part of their discussion because they were discussing me. The mom told me that she was talking to him, wanted to talk to him ALONE, and I could have my turn later. She then shut the door in my face!

I cried a little bit more, tried unsuccessfully to regain composure, and went back to my kids.

After school I sent her an e-mail dripping with niceness and an apology for my behavior.  My e-mail shows me that she read it, but she hasn’t responded.

Who stands up to complain in the middle of a Spelling Bee?? She could have totally thrown off the three remaining spellers. Not the time or place. She was unbelievably rude to me. She didn’t even present her concerns in a kind way. When she starts off by saying how poorly planned something was, how would she not expect the planner to become defensive??

The worst part is that her kid is in my class, so it’s not going to be easy for me to avoid the situation/tension.

I already have issues with her child. He is constantly correcting me and telling me "better" ways to do things. I now see where he gets this from.

I don’t know where to go from here. I have apologized, but if she comes at me again, I know my defenses will go right back up. If her child says ANYthing to me or his classmates tomorrow (which I have the feeling he will), I am going to have a hard time not getting upset. I plan on telling the kids there will be NO discussing the Spelling Bee.

I feel so tense and stressed. Sometimes being a teacher doesn’t seem worth it. I put ALL of myself into this stupid job.

If you made it through this I commend you. Commend. C-o-m-m-e-n-d. Commend. 😉


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February 24, 2010

Wow. I can’t believe she had the audacity to treat you that way!! I would have been livid too and probably cried right in front of her. I hope that the principal backs you up on this. That is NO way for you to be treated – esp after the time and effort you put into this. Ugh, I’m sorry that you have to deal with all of this! Next year will be a fresh start, right?!

February 24, 2010

take a deep breath. because in the end you have the satisfaction of knowing that you were in the right, and she was in the wrong. no matter how its argued, you’re right. simple as that. 🙂 all the same, i’m sorry she treated you that way. i don’t understand parents sometimes… is more than that though. i don’t understand people. when did we become such a rude society? has no one heard of manners? [random noter] – noah

February 24, 2010

What a bitch! I would NOT have apologized so you’re a better person than me. Being that you have another job lined up I would have said eff it and just let her be pissed. That was so childish of her and sounds like shit some of my parents would pull. One of which I have a conference with tomorrow. Yippeee

February 24, 2010

Just think — you got a N-E-W-J-O-B. 🙂 Let her be a biotch and remember that, okay?

February 24, 2010

I am livid. LIVID. I can’t believe people are so high-handed and horrible. What a aksjdfsd bitch! You don’t deserve this treatment at all, and ya know, even if you had struggled planning the spelling bee (which it doesn’t sound like you did), a parent bitching about it in the middle of the event is INSANELY inappropriate. I hope you are able to talk to your interim principal about this–and frick,I am so glad you got a job at a different school!

February 24, 2010

RYN: Awesome, I hope it works! I made a correction after noticing I had dill listed twice, so make sure you adjust your recipe 🙂

February 24, 2010

*hug* I agree that was not the time nor the place to do that, no matter what her complaint. I hope you get a chance to have a talk with the principal to explain your side.

February 25, 2010

If it come up again, perhaps your answer should be “I wish if you’d had an issue with the planning, you’d have voiced it before your son missed a word. Perhaps then your complaint wouldn’t appear petty.” I know you are too nice for that, but it would be appropriate. There is a time and place for everything…she needs to be made aware of that. I am very glad you have a new job…just steelyourself and try to be firm for now.

February 25, 2010

I’m so glad you have a new job lined up. I can’t believe how you’re treated in this position. It’s ridiculous and I think your reactions were completely warranted. Wow, the nerve some people have!

February 25, 2010

Her behavior is a model- obviously- for her student. It explains a lot when you look at the parents. I had a parent call me at home last week and A) accuse me of being a racist B) cuss me out and C) tell me I needed a psychiatric evaluation all because I gave her daughter a zero on an assignment she plagiarized. REDICULOUS flippin’ parents. I hope your principal met with you after?

February 26, 2010

RYN: They typically do the glucose test MUCH later, but I was already borderline diabetic pre-pregnancy. My mom, dad, and maternal g-pa and paternal g-ma are all type II diabetic, too. So… I drank the orange flavor and it was far better than I prepared for. I’ll know on Monday. n

February 26, 2010

I got commended. Yay. I’m sorry about all of that. Deep breaths. It’s really not worth it to get all angry and frustrated over a person like that though. I know that is easier said than done, but those people just like to cause drama and push other people’s buttons. Just remember that Jesus never defended Himself, no matter how much he did for other people. I keep trying to remind myselfof that when Mike chews me up and spits me out and accuses me of these awful things. I keep trying to remember that Jesus never stood up for Himself. It’s just not worth it and better to let the other person be the foolish one and run their mouth off.