Pushed up due date


We had an OB appt. this morning. I love the feeling of reassurance I always have after them. We went over the results of the ultra sound I had two weeks ago. Everything looks good (phew). My due date is actually July 15th now, instead of the 24th. Nine less days. I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but it excites me!!

Spring break starts in 48 hours. It cannot come soon enough. Even though we are going to Hawaii, I want to spend as much time as possible just sleeping.

Will and I went to bed at 7:30 last night. We were going to take a nap, but then we ended up sleeping all night. Happy St. Pat’s day to us.  I woke up to use the bathroom at 5:00 in the morning, and he was up cleaning our apartment and doing laundry. Yesterday I asked him to come to school to hang up some of the kids artwork for me. When he came he brought me a rose. He is so good to me.

I have now gained 19 pounds in the 23 weeks I have been pregnant(146 today-eek). I am not thrilled with that (at all), but I am still hoping that I won’t pass the +35 pound mark by the time I am done. I started the pregnancy at 127, and told myself I wouldn’t freak out if I was at 162 or below by the end. Ultimately I just need to let my body do what it’s going to do. My doctor is fine with my weight progression, and with how Jacob is growing. His growth is really all that matters to me (or at least that’s how I want to feel).

We have a digital camera. I really need to start taking and posting pictures of the ever expanding belly. I wish I had taken more in the beginning so that I had something to compare them to.

I fell asleep before The Bachelor last night.  It doesn’t start until 9:30 here! I am going to have to watch it online later today so that I can feed my addiction to reality t.v.

Have a good day everybody!!

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March 18, 2008

he might end up with the best birthday in the world, July 17!

March 18, 2008

Hi! I found you on the front page, congrats on your baby! I’m new to OD, mind if I add you to my favorites? I too am addicted to reality TV!

March 18, 2008

You are going to crack UP at one girl. Blue dress, big blond hair. Hilarious! Will IS wonderful to you!! I’m so jealous of your Hawaii trip. You MUST take pics!! I’ll teach you how to upload them

March 18, 2008

Have a great trip! Your baby will be here before you know it. 🙂

March 19, 2008

Hmm…July 15th eh 🙂 I like the baby already. That’s my bday 🙂 he he.

March 19, 2008

RE: Nope, tuna loaf is not like meat loaf. I love it MUCH MUCH better than meatloaf. The recipe is in my cooking diary: Miss Cook Just look for Salmon Loaf. All you do is substitute tuna for salmon. 🙂

March 19, 2008

Wow July! You’re 5 months pregnant and going to Hawaii? Wow. My mom would totally have a COW if I was pregnant and went on a vacation. She said she went on a 1 day vacation when she was pregnant and it was the most miserable she has ever been. You must be REALLY tough and feeling good to go all the way to Hawaii! Just – wow.

March 23, 2008

Congrats on the baby boy to come! RYN: I’ve added you!

March 25, 2008

I hope you and the baby are doing well. Haven’t seen an entry from you in a few days so I hope all is well. *BIG HUGS*

March 25, 2008

Hey hun, I know you’re probably in Hawaii right now, maybe you’re back, I’m not sure, I hope you are having/had a great time, I miss you lots. I was just thinking about you and wanted to stop by and say hi. I hope to see a lot of puctures of beautiful hawaii