
I think I mentioned that I had another ultra sound last Friday. Well, I hadn’t heard back from the doctor yet, so I called her this morning. She said that my bloodwork tests came back normal, and the baby has a strong heartbeat, but that I also have a cyst on my left ovary. At first I just took the news in, but then realized I would freak out if I didn’t get more information, so I called her back. I am absolutely clueless when it comes to medical issues. She explained that it wouldn’t hurt the baby, and that they were just going to keep an eye on it thoughout the pregnancy. She said it would most likely go away on its’ own. The problem is that I am still freaking out. I am such a worrier. I am driving myself absolutely crazy. I have a hard time believing that something on my ovary won’t affect my baby. Also, my aunt  was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer a few years, and so that scares me too. Anyway, if you have any experience with ovarian cysts and can give me info, I would be thankful. Otherwise, please keep me and the baby in your prayers.

I am loving being at home. I don’t want to go back to Cali. Well, other than for the obvious reason of being with Will.

My sister just bought Britney Spears new CD "Blackout". I think I might be embarrassed for myself for listening to it.

Tonight I am babysitting my nephew Corey(2) and my 3 week old neice Hannah! Corey and I are going to decorate sugar cookies. I LOVE Christmas!

Hope all is well with everybody!

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December 7, 2007

Try not to worry-I know that’s much easier said than done, but really I’ve always heard that they are pretty harmless. And as long as they know to watch it, you should be okay. Hang in there. I love this season too-have fun babysitting!

December 7, 2007

try not to worry, its pretty common and your doctor would tell you if it was going to hurt the baby, they dont lie to make you feel better or anything

December 7, 2007

i’m sure everything will be fine, but i’ll keep you in my prayers just in case 🙂

December 7, 2007

I’m sure its been there a LONG time. They’ll monitor it with ultrasound during your pregnancy. If it gets bigger, they might do a c/s and remove it (and your baby!) at the same time. Many women have little GYN issues dealt with during their c/s. I’m sure it’ll stay the same size, but with the increase in hormones, it may get a bit bigger. Do some online research?

December 8, 2007

Don’t be embarrassed, I love Britney’s new CD. Yeah I’m a loser lol I think you’ll be ok, don’t worry yourself too much about the cyst.

December 8, 2007

I don’t like Britney Spears at all but I love her music. She had some good songs! I have 2 of her albums. I am sure that you will be fine if the nurse is not worried about the cyst. If they are going to monitor it, that should be good enough I hope. RE: Turnips are good. I don’t eat them plain though. Although you CAN. But they are best with ketchup on them. Yummy. Some people put salt andvinegar in them when they cook them too.

December 8, 2007

i know it’s easier said than done, but try not to worry. if the doctor says it won’t hurt the baby, i’d believe her. and i know a couple people who had ovarian cysts and they were benign…so don’t get too worried it might be cancer. have fun with the sugar cookies..i love christmas too 🙂

December 8, 2007

I would try not to worry too much about it. If it was something serious, she would have called you in to thoroughly discuss it…plus, since you’re already pregnant, any work the ovaries had to do has already been done.

December 9, 2007

I think once you’re pregnant, the ovaries’ job is pretty much done for a while. I’m no doctor, but I don’t think this is something for you to really worry about…which is almost impossible when you’re pregnant, I know. I used to worry about the everything but the neighbor’s goldfish when I was pregnant.

December 10, 2007

My mom had an ovarian cyst, awhile ago. Everytime they went to remove it, it would shrink to an inoperable size. It’s just a fluid filled pocket attached to your ovary – most times harmless (unless it ruptures or twists) and very rarely is it cancerous. Don’t worry your doctor’s going be watching it and looking out for you. I’ll be praying too!

December 10, 2007

I did a little research for you – I’m sure you’ve probably already done a bunch of your own, but I found this site that is particularly informative in a way that DOESN’T scream “something’s wrong.” It has some suggestions on treatment or topics you might want to discuss w/ your doctor.

December 10, 2007

P.S. Miss you; luf ya!

December 10, 2007

ryn: My students don’t know yet. I’m not telling them until the last day of school. I doubt they’ll be very sad lol. And none of the boys like me this year lol. It’s so funny because my boys from last year and still totally obsessed with me, but this years’ boys couldn’t care less. None of them are interested in girls at all, though, they are much less mature at this point.

December 11, 2007

glad you are still having a nice time at home!

December 19, 2007

I have the same issue with a cyst on my ovaries…and the dr. said there is nothing to be concerned about…and at my age (25) there is no concern for ovarian cancer… There is so much else going on, don’t allow yourself to worry about anything that the dr. doesn’t : ) Congrats to you!