Magic 8 Ball

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is over already. With everything going on (Will’s job, pregnancy,teaching), the holidays just seemed to be a blip on the radar. Will has to work a Jr. High lock-in on New Year’s Eve, so that will be uneventful as well.

We are in Kansas City visiting Will’s family. We got here yesterday, and are leaving to go home tomorrow night. It’s a short trip, but I asked Will that we cut it short because I’m not much of a traveller. I like to be in my own place, my own space. I’d also like to get into school to get some work done and that obviously can’t happen if we stay in KC. It’s been a nice visit so far. My mil steps on my toes at times, but I’ve learned to roll with it. She means well.

I am feeling frustrated with Will regarding the job and moving situation. Currently, it seems that the church which has the most interest in him is located in Minnesota. Will has told me on numerous occasions that we will not move to a new location unless I am on board with it. I have told him that I am 100% not okay with moving to Minnesota. I actually like Minnesota a lot. We spent all of my childhood summers up there at the family lakehouse. What I am not okay with is that is far.far away from my family, and I would never be happy living in a place where it is Winter the majority of the year. I know that seems trivial, but it’s the truth. I am one of those people who is ALWAYS cold. I use my heated blanket even in the summer. I get very nervous driving in the snow (or knowing family members are out in it). I can’t stand being stranded in my house because a car is snowed in. I can’t imagine bundling up three little kids anytime we want or need to go anywhere. The honest truth is that I don’t want to move anywhere, but I am at least open to a few of the other locations. Even though I told Will I would not be okay with moving to Minnesota, he keeps talking about it as if it’s going to happen. He went so far as to tell my family he thinks we will be moving there EVEN AFTER we had discussed and agreed that we would not. I feel like he is not listening to me or giving my feelings and concern. I feel so much anger inside. Why did this have to happen? Why do we have to uproot our entire lives yet again?? Why can’t Will understand how difficult this is for me? It’s like he expects me to poop rainbows every time he gets a new lead on a new location, when all I want is to stay in St. Louis. I know we will survive this, but right now it all feels like too much. I wish I could let myself break down and cry, but I have never been good with expressing emotions. I keep everything bottled up until it either comes out in my eating disorder, or comes out in anger. Lately I just feel detached from the situation, like this couldn’t possibly be my reality. I know I am being selfish. There are people who are going through things much more difficult than relocation and job uncertainty, but my feelings feel genuine just the same.

We had a nice Christmas. The boys seemed to enjoy their gifts. The boys and I got Will a new blender because Gavin broke his old one while exploring our cabinets. You know you’re old and married to a metrosexual when he gets very excited about a blender. 🙂 We also made him a picture–it had his handprint with Jacob and Gavin’s printed inside of his. On top I had the quote" Lead up a Child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not stray from it"…….Daddy, Jacob, and Gavin 2011. I have become addicted to Pinterest and am hoping/planning to do lots of (at least partially) homemade birthdays and Christmases from now on.

Things with the baby seem to be progressing well. I had another ultrasound on Friday. She has moved up to the 40% in weight, so up 10% from last time. I am trying not to stress about weight gain, but as usual that’s a challenge for me. If I keep my weight gain at a pound per week, I will weigh around 140 at delivery. I need to be okay with that. I know in actuality it’s not a high number, but especially when the rest of life seems so chaotic, my weight seems like something I could have at least a tiny bit of control over.

Let’s see…what else. I’ve developed a weakness for dollar lottery scratchers. Will gave me one for Christmas that ended up winning me $25. I keep cashing in parts of my winnings for more tickets and so far have made close to $100. I should quit while I’m ahead.

Alright…time to get some sleep. I’m sharing a bed with J while we are with our inlaws. It’s me, him, and lots of his toys. Super comfortable. 😉


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December 28, 2011

I don’t think you’re being trivial with the move and not liking it mostly because it’s always Winter. This is YOUR life too, just because you are married you are still allowed to be Mindy and I would say 100% no too if that’s how I felt! This is really hard on you and I think that it should at least be somewhere that you are semi happy with if you HAVE to move ya know? I’m sorry you are dealingwith all of this and I hope you get it sorted out soon. Glad you had a good Christmas, it did come and go fast this year! Sounds like baby is growing and everything is on track 🙂

December 28, 2011

I don’t think you’re being trivial; I have refused to move to Memphis with my husband….and that’s where his next big promotion would be!

December 28, 2011

I can say for a fact that it is NOT a trivial thing to not want to move to a certain place. I would be miserable in a place where it is mostly winter. Honestly, I would never want to live up north due to the cold. That is a MAJOR factor because it affects your whole life. The weather is not a trivial thing and that is a huge factor in why a lot of people choose to live where they live. I would love to live in California, just because the weather is nicer. But I wouldn’t want to leave my family. Truth be told, I would follow J anywhere if he would have me, even to a cold northern state. But I would NOT be happy about it and would be very miserable living in a place that is so cold like that unless I could stay inside all winter in a heated place and never have to leave, but that isn’t very feasible. So I totally understand you not wanting to go anywhere!

December 29, 2011

You aren’t being trivial at all. Weather affects your mood and if you’re already displeased with living there, the abysmal weather will make matters worse. I’m telling ya. Move to Mississippi!!!!!!! Meridian to be exact! There are tons of churches here!! Lol

December 29, 2011

There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling that your partner isn’t listening. I hope he comes around soon… I am so sorry you are having this turmoil at this point..but glad the pregnancy is going well 🙂

December 31, 2011

Aw, man. Kansas City is only 30 miles from us! Hope you are home and in your zone soon. n

January 1, 2012

I don’t think not wanting to move to Minn because of weather is trivial. You have to love where you live otherwise you won’t be happy and winter is a tough thing to deal with–I know! I’m always cold, too! I think more talking with Will would be helpful–maybe ask why he feels telling people you are moving to Minn after you’ve discussed not moving there? Remind him that it is your life, too, and that you both need to be happy!

January 2, 2012

RYN: feeling nauseous….lol yes I think if something was wrong I’d have some kind of pain or more bleeding. I’m so glad I haven’t seen any more!!

January 2, 2012

oh! and how excited are you that the Bachelor starts TONIGHT!? I know you’re my fellow Bachelor lover 😉

January 13, 2012

ryn: We got rid of pull-ups for about 5 days.. but then he decided to just poop only in his underwear the next week… and I was tired of cleaning up that. Decided it was back to pull-ups.