Just stuff

My time in St. Louis is going by way too fast. I can’t believe as of tomorrow I will have been here a week already!! I used to remember the time dragging by when I would come home to visit over college breaks. I couldn’t get out of here fast enough so that I could get back to "real" life, such the opposite of now. I don’t think I will make it home again until August, and then it will be me and the baby. It’s hard to wrap my head around that. I go through periods where I feel insanely excited about being a mom, and others where I wonder what I have gotten myself into. I loved babysitting my 3 week old neice on Friday night, but after about an hour I had gotten my baby fix. An hour! I am going to have a kid for 24 hours of everyday for at least the next 18 years!! Everyone says it’s totally different when it is your own child. I have been told you just love him/her so much that you can’t get enough time with them. I am sure that will be the case, but it’s still scary.

I have gotten to see quite a few friends while I have been in town. I wish I had invested more of myself into some of these friends while I lived here. I think sometimes I took having them around for granted. Now I would love it if I could see them on a weekly basis. I get to go see my old class tomorrow! I am reading them Christmas stories and eating lunch with them. I can’t wait!!

Alright, I am off to go see my granparents in the nursing home. My parents seem to think that my grandma won’t be around for much more than 6 months. Another person who I wish I hadn’t taken for granted while I lived in St. Louis.

Hope you guys are all having a great night!!

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December 10, 2007

Don’t forget, hindsight is 20/20. And they’re right. Having your own baby is totally different. I can’t WAIT for a baby-free night and 5 minutes after we leave him, I miss him.

December 11, 2007

Well, I think everyone is right. After a couple of hours with Carlee, I get my baby fix, but, like they said, when it’s YOUR baby, it will be different. God gave you this baby…He’ll take care of you.

December 11, 2007

I wouldn’t know if it’s different when it’s your own, but that’s what i’ve heard and i’m sure you’ll be fine! yeah sometimes it’s hard to realize how much you take someone for granted until it’s too late *hugs*

December 11, 2007

I imagine having a child is a lot like having a dog (at least for me). Sometimes its really annoying to have them and to have your life limited by them and you wish you were just single. But almost always you love every moment and can’t remember life without them. I know that sounds extreme to a non-dog person, but its true!

December 11, 2007

Even though mine are 7 & 9, I still only have patience for my own babies. I was never one to really fawn over other people’s children…but when I had my own, I never wanted to put them down.

December 12, 2007

I have to toally agree with punkarelli. Hindsight is 20/20. You just have to tuck that in your hat for current and future use. 🙂

December 12, 2007

RYN: That’s what I said!