


We have been in Hawaii since yesterday morning, and it has been fabulous so far! We have been staying with my brother and sister-in-law at their (amazing)ocean front house in Oahu, and leave for our hotel in Waikiki tomorrow.

This morning we took a three mile walk along the beach. It is so relaxing and calm here. It is nice to be away from the busy-ness of "real" life, and even better to be with family.

My brother Dan’s church is in need of a pastor, and there is talk of them wanting Will. How crazy it would be if our next move is to Hawaii! It’s all very tenative, but kind of exciting. That would take me ever farther away from the midwest, but at least I would be near my brother.

I am 24 weeks pregnant today (my ticker is off). That means that in 13 weeks (!) it would be totally okay for the baby to come, and that I reach my due date in 16 weeks. That is just craziness.

I don’t know what it is lately, but whenever I eat anything I feel amost uncomfortably full. I know that’s supposed to happen later in pregnancy because everything in the body is all pushed together, but I am not sure if it is normal for this stage of pregnancy. Also, I continue to mentally struggle with the weight gain. I am up about 20.5 pounds now(I think 12-16 is  the "normal" range for this stage). It’s a little frustrating because I have been eating more healthy lately than ever in my life, and am still gaining (I know, I know–I’m pregnant…). I guess everyone’s body responds to pregnancy differently. I will post pics for you all when we get back from Hawaii.

I thought this trip would be all about romance, but I’m not feeling it so much. I almost just want to be left alone, which I feel horrible about. Hopefully that will change (esp. when we are at our hotel tomorrow-Friday). Will has been so patient with me throughout this whole pregnancy.

The ladies on The Bachelor are c-razy this season.

I have been thinking about my diary lately, and why I haven’t been writing too often. I think it’s because I censor myself too much when I write, and so I am not getting my real feelings out. I need to just let myself go, and use this diary for what it’s supposed to be used for. I spend all of my life trying to please people, not offend, etc. I need to not let that interfere with what I write in here. I don’t know if that even makes sense. Sometimes I just think it’s hard to write what I am really thinking or feeling deep down inside for fear of how other’s would perceive it.

Hope you all had a nice Easter!! And for real–pictures when I get back!

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March 25, 2008

Ahhhh, I miss Hawaii!! Where are you staying in Waikiki? We went there for our honeymoon. If you get a chance, you should go to Lulu’s Surf Club (I think that’s the name) it’s right off shore and delicious…we loved their parmesan garlic fries! That’d be so exciting if you moved there next…I’ll come visit! =P

March 25, 2008

Enjoy Hawaii!! My baby and I just returned from a Hawaiian cruise. LOVED it!

March 25, 2008

which doppler do you have? I wish we lived closer so we could share it lol! Can I just get the cheapest one?

March 25, 2008

yea, write uncensored girlfriend! you KNOW i do hehe. hawaii sounds amazing. I wish I was there. Hawaii is a huge adjustment to live on.. you are totally separated from the states. I was talking with a neonatologist today actually and she said that if a mom is in labor at 24 weeks,they save the baby. in just a few weeks, your baby will have a great chance at a healthy life! amazing! ur term to me!

March 25, 2008

God I loved Hawaii. I can’t wait to get back there!

March 25, 2008

Yay Hawaii! It would be such an awesome place to live! 🙂 I have the same problem in my writing, I’m always sensoring even though there’s not that much to even be said. Hope to read more from you & your exciting life in the near future 🙂

March 25, 2008

Hey i know how you feel about getting full fast. I thought being pregnant i would eat eat eat but its not like that…im 22 weeks and have only gained 6 pounds! I feel BAD that im not gaining a lot of weight but the doc said its alright as long as im eating :S

March 25, 2008

Please, just write what you are truly feeling. Make your diary favorites only if you feel like you dont want to share all of it with a lot of people. I would cry if you left OD 🙁

March 25, 2008

How exciting would it be to move to Hawaii?! That would be quite a change… but what a gorgeous place! I’m glad that you and Will are able to enjoy it. What a sweet spring break!! 🙂

March 25, 2008

RYN: I totally agree that teaching at the beginning of the year is best – to start out when the kids are new, too. I hope that I get a good co-op! The only bad stories I hear about student teaching are from people who didn’t know the teaching style of their co-op. Here’s to hoping! That seems strange that you had two placements – I’ll be in one grade the entire semester! That grade is TBA!

March 25, 2008

Oh! Hawaii! How I love thee! I can’t wait to go back someday. If you get the chance, go to Kauai- that island is soooo beautiful!!

March 25, 2008

Have fun in Hawaii!! 🙂 And you should feel like you can talk about whatever you want here. I hope you will feel comfortable to do so, even if only in private entries.

March 26, 2008

I’m so jealous that you’re in HAWAII right now! That would be a beautiful place to move and at least you’d have family around 🙂 Have fun at your hotel!

March 26, 2008

((hugs)) It’s your journal, babe. And if you worried about others…you could always (p) it….or put it (favs only). Looking forward to the pics!

March 26, 2008

This is YOUR diary! You DON’T have to sensor anything! Make your entries favorites only or something, and if people are rude or judgemental delete them, this should be your space to express whatever is going on… I’m so jealous that you are in Hawaii. I love vacations! Can’t wait to see pictures!

March 26, 2008

Hawaii sounds amazing and that would be awesome if you guys got to move there! Also, you can feel free to say anything you want in this diary. I know I would never judge you and I would think none of your other faves would either. We are all here to support you!

March 30, 2008

ryn: i think i will probably end up doing summer school with the county i am going to be working for next year, because i really wouldn’t make much money in just two weeks… but yeah, that lady is frustrating, changing things up

March 31, 2008

ryn: I’m writing an entry real quick that give an update on what happening on the job front! 🙂 It’s good news 🙂

March 31, 2008

i know what you’re saying about censoring yourself – maybe you just need to mark it as private before you start even writing it – then when you get done, if you feel like sharing it or want feed back change it (i’ve done that a couple times) p.s. big up date on JP stuff went haywire while I was in Idaho and San Diego(check out that entry) 😉

March 31, 2008

ryn: oh bah on people and their frowns, you’re safe to get it done now! double check with your doctor, but I’m pretty sure you can get it done

April 1, 2008

RYN: I will have to try it out. I haven’t tried SlimFast either and really, I don’t need to lose a lot of weight, maybe 5 pounds of fat, but not eating breakfast probably doesn’t help!