
It’s finally Friday! I am in the best mood ever because I don’t have to work at OG tonight! I took off for the weekend since I am going to that wedding in Wisconsin. After school I am just going to go home and relax until I leave at 4:00 a.m (gross). I am still not too excited about the wedding, but I figure it’s just one weekend. If it’s horrible, it’s horrible–not the end of the world.

I had such a good time with Will last night. I am crazy about that kid!!  He came over and we filled up my tires, then went back to my house to hang out. He brought a devotional book that one of his friends had recommended, so we started that. After that we just talked and hung out for a couple of hours. He didn’t leave until almost one, so I am tired this morning. It was worth it.  The thing that’s great about him is that even if I wasn’t super attracted to him (which I am!!), I would totally want to be great friends with him. Our personalities just match up so well–it’s insane, and awesome. I will try to make my entries less Will obsessed, but he’s kind of the most exciting thing going on in my life right now.

I am having some issues with two of the kids in my class. Not issues really, but it’s just a difficult situation for me as a teacher. I have two boys in my class that are stepbrothers. One of them is Mr. Popular(Myles), and the other(Andrew) is a little more socially awkward. Even at home, they are treated that way. Myles is always getting to do fun things like going to sporting events, and tons of other stuff. Andrew definitely notices this, and it obviously hurts his self esteem. Personally, I love Andrew. The kid is so sweet-always bringing me presents, asking what he can do to help me. He wants so badly to please me. Myles is the class clown–a major pain in my butt sometimes, but admittedly hilarious.  So, my problem is this. I find myself favoring Andrew–trying to do things to make him feel special and cared about. Not huge things, but giving him little things here and there, asking him to help me with stuff, etc. This wouldn’t be a big deal normally because it’s discreet enough that other students don’t notice. The only reason Myles notices is because they live together, and Andrew tells his parents about things. I want to show Myles that he is special too, but he doesn’t need it the same way Andrew does. He ALWAYS gets the message that he is mr. wonderful. I am trying to show Andrew that I think he is just as special and wonderful as Myles. So, any ideas on how I can do this without coming across as favoring Andrew? I feel like what I just wrote makes me sound like a bad teacher. I know teachers shouldn’t have favorites. It’s not favorites really–it’s just that I was the kid who never felt very good about themselves, and so I really feel for those types of students. Okay…that got long.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

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October 6, 2006

I see nothing wrong with what you are doing, so long as it is discreet. You give to each student according to his/her needs. Some will need more stroking, some less, just like some need more discipline than others.

October 6, 2006

its natural to prefer one person over another! its nearly impossible not to! you are watching yourself to be discreet so you are in the green. maybe if mr popular had more normal interactions with an adult (you) he might calm down with needing so much attentino all the time? poor andrew! sounds like a sweetie.he must feel so shadowed having his bro in his class-how odd that they’d put them togethr

October 6, 2006

hope you have a good time at the wedding. if it’s an open bar, drink drink drink! hehehe 😉 i don’t see it as you playing favorites. i see it as you trying to help the self esteem of someone who might need the boost. i wish my teachers had done that for me …

December 15, 2006

I also don’t see it as playing favourites but as part of your role as their teacher. You have been involved and attentive enough to notice an important issue, and you are clearly treating it with the sensitivity it deserves. You sound like an awesome teacher 🙂 xxxxxxxxx