First Appointment for #3


This morning I called my ob to schedule my first prenatal appointment. I was all set that I would ask if I could come the week of the 18th because I was hoping by that date I could get a transvaginal ultrsound that would allow me to see whatever is happening inside my body. I told the nurse on the phone I was only five weeks along, but she told me to go ahead and come in tomorrow. I am partially excited because I will at least get confirmation of pregnancy from something other than a pee stick, but bummed that I won’t get the ultrasound until my second appointment. It is so reassuring to be able to actually see that little heartbeat in there. I am praying that all goes well tomorrow. I’m nervous that I’ll find out I’m not pregnant or that my hcg levels are low/dropping etc. Please say a prayer for us that things go well!

I always gain weight right away when pregnant. I don’t get it–I seriously have gained FIVE pounds already and haven’t changed a thing with my diet. I’m trying to convince myself it’s just bloat. It has to be bloat, right?! I started the pregnancy around 108 and today weighed 112.4. Not freaking out. Not freaking out. Trying not to freak out…. Seriously, I am 30 years old and acting like I’m in highschool about this. Ridiculous.

I spent the last two days in a 12 hour workshop (9-4 each day) on a method of teaching called "Project Construct". How did I (or anyone?!) ever sit in grade school from 8-3?! I have absolutely lost my attention span. I ate my weight in Starbursts just to keep myself awake(maybe it’s not just bloat ;)). All in all it was a great workshop and I learned a lot. I’ve had high hopes of going back to get my masters, but if this round of "school" is any indication, it is going to be harder than it looks.

I am debating whether or not I should be a stay at home mom after #3 is born. I love my job, and honestly can’t imagine not going to work, but it’s hard to justify leaving two babies with an in-home sitter while I go off to take care of other kids. I am the only full day four year old preschool teacher, so Jacob would be in my class the year I am thinking about staying at home. I’ve always thought it would be fun to be his teacher, but also so very challenging…..lots of time before I would have to make any decisions.

Hoping to watch a fave’s wedding online from Vegas tonight! If I fall asleep and miss it, happy wedding day Reghan!!!


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July 6, 2011

That will be a tough decision to stay home or not… I hear you!! Just wait and see how things are going this year and that’ll help you decide!

July 6, 2011

I pray that you will be able to let the eating disorder go by the grace of God. You are beautiful, girl. And these bodies fade away so fast… take care of that beautiful soul inside of you and that precious baby. 🙂 Love ya!

July 7, 2011

the fact that you can get down to 108 after 2 babies I think speaks for itself that you have nothing to worry about. Let your body do what it has to do to put on the pounds to nourish the baby, and your body will recover again- you are ONLY 30, you still have a good metabolism. you are so lucky to have an appt already! I guess first trim u/s are not the norm, so if they won’t let you have one say

July 7, 2011

you don’t know your dates! I cant wait to hear about the appt today, please post later!! the liklihood of a m/c is dropping by the hour, as my midwife put it, and even an u/s of the heartbeat will not decrease your chances of one, its just that “every minute you’re pregnant lowers the chance”

July 7, 2011

Good luck with your appointment. Oh, and I’m sure it just bloat!

July 7, 2011

I gained a lot of weight my first trimester too. Mostly water and from being so so tired I didn’t do anything Re: thanks for your notes. I think that’s exactly what Kenny is doing. I just think his big issue is he’s got to get right with God before he can have self control over our physical things. Same for me.

July 7, 2011

good luck at your appointment! Awww thank you! I explained on my diary what happened but at least now you can watch it whenever you want 🙂