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May 13, 2008

That is one of those tests that weirds me out. They tell you to try and cut down on sugar (at least my doctor did), but then they want to test you after drinking a huge glass of sugar water. If your body isn’t used to that how the heck are you supposed to metabolise it? That might be one of the tests I turn down. I hope your 3 hour one goes ok.

May 13, 2008

cont. – I’ve heard a few people say walk around while you while wait, even if it’s pacing the waiting room or parking lot. That way your body can process the sugar faster. I don’t know if that’s crap or not, but it’s wortha try maybe.

May 13, 2008

I wouldn’t think that artificially manipulating the test is a good idea… I mean, they are trying to find out if some aspect of what you are doing is good for the baby or not. I would think that following the doctors’ advice would be the best course of action. I’m sure you will be fine, try not to worry ok?

May 13, 2008

All it is is when you contract diabetes while pregnant, and most of the time, it goes away after you’ve had the baby. You’ll just have to cut back on sugars. I’ve heard the test just sucks because the stuff you have to drink is really really sweet. I will most likely have GD because my dad is diabetic. I dread drinking that stuff because anything sweet in large quantities makes me SICK

May 13, 2008

Oh, and, plus, a LOT of people fail the first one but go through the second just fine and end up not even having GD, I’m pretty sure that’s what happened to Amber (JustMe)

May 13, 2008

eawgh. yuck. i HATED that test. i’m pretty sure the stuff they gave me over here wasn’t as bad as the US stuff, but still. yucky. and here they do a 2 hour test with 3 blood pricks instead of a 1 hour test. suuuuuuuuuucked.

May 13, 2008

GDM is not that uncommon. it just means your body cant break down all the sugars you have floating around with that baby in there too. it will go away after you deliver. you modify your diet and you have fine usually, or worst case scenario you hvae to take a few insulin shots with your meals for the next 3 months. you will probably do fine on your repeat though!!

May 13, 2008

Shoot, I don’t need to take that test (already have before, b/c I blacked out in college)…I already know my results…:P Ick.

May 13, 2008

Gah, I hated that test. I passed but my doctor still managed to think I had GD because I had forgotten my urine and had to give him a post-Subway sample. Yeah, it’s going to be loaded with carbs and sugar! Just watch what you eat. Less carbs and sugars, really. If you fail your 3 hour, they should give you specifics.

May 13, 2008

I failed my 1 hour and just took my 3 hour one last Friday. I watched my sugar and crab intake, and i hear that many woman do not pass their 1 hour and do ok with the 3 hr. I’m sure you will be ok 🙂

May 13, 2008

Walking around after you drink sugar water isn’t manipulating the test. It’s the equivalent of drinking a few Cokes and then not sitting on your butt. Personally I never sit for 3 straight hours so doing that at the doctor would be artificially manipulating my test.

May 13, 2008

You might be fine-my mom was borderline on all of her tests and then passed the three hour-a lot of them turn out that way. Basically your body is slow at metabolizing sugars if you have GD-it’s not really a big deal-you just have to be careful with your food choices.

May 13, 2008

Just because you failed the one hour one doesn’t mean that you have gestational diabetes. The 3 hr test will tell if you do. All you just try to cut down on your sweets.. But I’m sure you’ll do fine on that one. Good luck

May 13, 2008

I think the test my friend did was the gestational, and she had to drink a giant class of really sugary liquid like C-Plus and wait it out–no peeing. I would not recommend messing with the test, as the doctors are trying to establish how your body is dealing with sugar and pregnancy. Don’t eat or drink a ton before you go, as that will make you want to pee more. And GD is a form of diabetes you develop when you’re pregnant and it usually goes away, but does often reappear later (think 50s).

June 10, 2008

hi haven’t talked to you for a while 🙂 wow times flown by baby is almost here 🙂

June 27, 2008

When I was preggo I failed the 1 hour test too…cause I had pancakes for breakfast that morning lol Of course I didn’t on the day of the 3 hour one and I passed it…It did make me sick though 🙁

June 27, 2008

Wow I am sorry the test came back with bad results…do some research on the net and I wanna hear about how the tests are. RYN: Yes our babies are strong…not like what I thought…