
Could it be that I am actually becoming crafty?! I am surprisingly pleased about the Christmas gifts I had J make for his grandparents.  We took tiles and used acrylic paint to make coasters. We made four for each set of grandparents (two Christmas trees and two snowmen). After he painted them I painted modge podge over them and sprayed them with adhesive. The tiles were donated to my classroom (I had a ton extra), and the paints were left over from a project I did earlier in the year, so the entire thing was free!!  I am thinking I might have him make a coaster for Will to use at work too. I might also make some for our house, but use black and white pics of the boys instead of having them paint on them.

I am making ornaments with the kids in my classroom. I had each of the kids wrap their hand(white acrylic paint) around a dark blue glass ornament. The palm of their hand is at the base of the ornament and then their fingers come up on the sides. We turned each finger into a snowman by drawing a hat, arms, and scarf with permanent markers. It ends up looking like five snowmen on a pile of snow. I borrowed the idea from another teacher–so cute and very easy!

Still no news on the job front for Will. I have mixed emotions. I want to know what the next step is, but not knowing allows me to live in the "safety" of denial. I am finding it impossible to imagine life anywhere than exactly where we are. I feel like I am making a name for myself at the school I teach at (a school I never thought I’d be lucky enough to teach at), and I do not want to start over AGAIN. I love love love the team of teachers I work with. My class this year leaves something to be desired, but the work atmosphere makes it worthwhile.

Pregnancy is moving along (27.5 weeks now). I have definitely popped and fear that I am growing out.of.control. I know this is all normal, and at this point in the pregnancy I should be getting big, but it’s still uncomfortable (emotionally). I can’t believe she will be here in three months! Her name is tentatively Abigail (Abby) Miriam. My mom’s name is Gayle and Will’s mom is Miriam, so it’s a tribute to them. I am not positive that I am in love with the name, so it could change. Will’s other favorites are Katelyn, Rachel, Lydia, and Leah. My absolute favorite is Avery, but Will vetoed it. I also like Megan……suggestions, opinions?

Let’s see….what else? Oh yeah–classroom mom who hates me is switching her girls out of my class. We had two spots open up in one of the other 4 year old classes, so she is moving them there after Christmas. I’m very offended. There are few things I am confident in, but teaching is one of them. I know I am a good teacher. I know her girls are doing well with me, and yet she is convinced I am not competent. When we told the family there were two openings in the other class the dad(he picked up that day) immediately said "Oh no…the girls are doing great. They love their teacher. They love their friends. We won’t be moving them".  He went home to his wife and she decided otherwise (she makes ALL of the decisions in the family-or so it seems). The dad has always been really kind and appreciative. So, it is what it is. My life will probably be easier without her drama, but I just wish we could have turned the situation around.

Nothing else to report. Have a great night everybody!! 🙂

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December 8, 2011

yah for getting crafty! I have a coaster craft pinned on Pinterest that I’d like to try too. Same idea. Avery used to be my absolute FAV girls name and that was definitely the name I was using but now Collin knows someone with a daughter with that name. Just an acquaintance through his ex wife though so I still may use it haha I like Leah a lot. I love the name Abigail as well. It’s more common I think but if you’re ok with that then it’s a beautiful name!

December 9, 2011

I want to be a preschool teacher, but fear I’m not creative enough!

December 11, 2011

Sounds like you are getting very crafty! My favorite out of those is Megan.

December 11, 2011

RYN: Yeah. I get ultrasounds every 6 weeks anyways for his growth checks. But they will keep an eye on it. Thanks for asking

December 12, 2011

RYN: thank you! I am so super excited! Also I’m an August baby and love that the baby is due in August as well. It’s a great birth month!

December 14, 2011

RYN: Oh yes…add SUPER bloated and crazy emotional to the list as well. I thought it was in my head at this point. Collin is in for a treat lol Thank you!!